P. 28


           there was sudden notice of smoke near the caterer area. Due to wind, one of
           the  curtain  cloth  came  in  touch  with  the  stove  flame  and  was  on  the
                                                       widespread.  Soon  panic
                                                       struck  and  flames  fumed
                                                       over the entire place where
                                                       it   gathered   attention.
                                                       Venugopal and his friends,
                    © SSBCRACK                         Rohit, Anirudh, Varun took
                                                       lead  of  the  situation.
                                                       Venugopal    and    Rohit
                                                       helped  the  people  to
                                                       evacuate  in  the  right
                                                       direction,    meanwhile
                                                       Anirudh    and     Varun
                                                       informed  the  Fire  brigade
           and thereafter exposed the fire extinguishing cylinders on the fumes. The
           damage to life was none and damage to property was controlled. The next
           morning, the senior in charge from the Fire brigade applauded the action of
           the youngsters for the prompt action and the incident was in the news as well.
           After returning Venugopal and his friends were given a proud welcome and
           felicitated by the National Service Scheme team on their act of bravery and
           prompt execution of the training they received.

             Officer Like Qualities      Relevance to the mentioned story

            Effective Intelligence   This trait can be inferred from the story by virtue
                                  of the ability of the group of understanding the
                                  available  resources  present  and  initiating
                                  appropriate action.
            Reasoning Ability     The  group  of  friends  have  a  rational
                                  understanding of priorities. Priorities begin with
                                  evacuating  the  people  to  the  right  direction,
                                  informing  the  fire  brigade  and  then  use  the
                                  available fire extinguishers to the fire.
            Power of Expression   This  story  is  clearly  vocal  about  the  details  of
                                  friends, details, events and actions with reasons.

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