P. 18


            Reasoning Ability     The  character  Samuel  effectively  uses  his
                                  rational thinking to seek help from the principal
                                  and  organize  the  campaign  including  school
                                  students and other government officials
            Power of Expression   The story has a clarity of the expression of events
                                  happening in order.
            Self Confidence       This  trait  is  displayed  to  a  high  order  in  this
                                  context.  After  being  appointed  as  the  lead,
                                  Samuel shouldered the responsibility very well
                                  and  hence  in  all  situations  he  exhibited  high
                                  degree of self-confidence.
            Determination         Samuel is determined to exhibit public service,
                                  and  his  determination  takes  the  principal  into
                                  confidence in no time. The principal thereafter
                                  makes the approval for organizing the campaign.
            Organizing Ability    This trait is also displayed in all areas of the story
                                  where  Samuel  is  participating  to  organize  the
                                  campaign  and  forms  teams  to  touch  different
                                  villages across Wayanad.
            Initiative            It  was  sole  initiative  from  Samuel,  after  being
                                  learned about  the challenges that the farmers
                                  have to undergo.
            Courage               This quality is also exhibited to a great extent as
                                  the decision to approach with an idea itself takes
                                  a  lot  of  courage.  In  other  areas  also,  the
                                  character has displayed exemplary courage.
            Cooperation           This  trait  is  shown  where  he  executes  the
                                  campaign  proceedings  with  perfection  by
                                  rendering cooperation between the students of
                                  NCC and other government officials etc.
            Sense of              Samuel  had  deep  realization  of  his  responsibility
            Responsibility        first as a human, then as a citizen of the country,
                                  then  as  an  NCC  cadet  living to the  motto  of  the
                                  Indian Army “Service Before Self”.
            Stamina               This trait is also very well displayed here
            Group Influencing     This trait can be seen by the way Samuel takes
            Ability               lead of the situation and organizes teams and
                                  effectively  carries  out  the  campaign  in
                                  cooperation with the government officials.

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