P. 15


                                  Picture 3 - Story 1:
           Rahul Singh belonged to a family of farmer whose village was situated in the
                                                    Sirsa District of Bihar. He had
                                                    seen  the  plight  of  poverty
                                                    right  through  his  childhood
                                                    and understood the necessity
                                                    of a stable job. He dedicated
                                                    his school time judiciously to
                 © SSBCRACK                         understand  the  subjects  and
                                                    score  marks.  Rahul  was  very
                                                    mannered  guy  and  had  very
                                                    cordial  relations  with  all
                                                    members  of  the  village.  He
                                                    was  keen  to  participate  in
                                                    various    cultural   festival
           organized in the village and help younger students in education. The village
           school had a scheme where in the annual examination toppers were offered
           scholarship sponsored by the gram panchayat and Rahul was a consistent
           topper since the 9  standard.  It was a great help to his family where both his
           parents  were  actively  involved  into  Farming.  After  12   standard,  Rahul
           choose  to  opt  for  applying  job  in  the  government  sector  in  the  role  of
           Constable for providing immediate support to the family members. He clears
           the examination with  flying colors and visits the village in his mid-term break
           of District Police Training. As he enters the village, the villagers are awestruck
           to see their child in uniform and give a gracious welcome. It was a matter of
           pride for the entire village and Rahul is subsequently enrolled into a Bachelor
           of Arts program sponsored by the State Government of Bihar.

             Officer Like Qualities      Relevance to the mentioned story
            Effective Intelligence   Focus  on  academic  activities  shows  effective
                                   intelligence. At the same time, his decision to go
                                   for job to support his family in immediate needs
                                   was  a  good  show  of  decision.  Later  on  he
                                   enrolled  into  Bachelor  of  Arts  program
                                   sponsored  by  State  government  of  Bihar  and
                                   had a job at the same time.
            Reasoning Ability     Rahul had a proper rational thinking based on
                                  the  reality  of  the  situation  and  undertook  the

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