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P. 166

SSB  |   157

                      Actual Explanation—In battery of Psychological test, WAT is the second test and this is also the
                   test of your imagination. WAT includes 60 words and all these 60 words are given from the four
                   factors. The first word will be from factor Ist that is Factor Intelligence, the second word will be from
                   factor IInd that is Factor Social Adjustment, the third word will relate to Factor IIIrd that is Factor
                   Leadership and finally the fourth word will come from Factor IV that is Factor Dynamism. This cycle
                   will keep on repeating till 60 words are completed. Hence, the instruction by the psychologist that
                   completing 60 words are not necessary, your personality may came within 45 to 50 words bears the
                   testimony of this statement.
                      Therefore, to bear a required or balanced personality an individual should posses intellectual,
                   social, leadership and dynamic ability. For example I am giving words from all the four factors—

                           Factor I                                                  Factor II
                       Factor Intelligence                                     Factor Social Adjustment
                    It will include the words :                                It will include the words :

                      Examine                                                     Team
                      Practice                                                    Play
                      Judgement                                                   Relation
                      Arrange                                                     Assist
                       Alert                                                      Company
                      Desire                                                      Friend
                      Firm                                                        Crowd
                      Effort                                                      Sympathy
                                    Factor III, Factor                Factor IV
                                   Leadership. It will             Factor Dynamism
                                   include the words :          It will include the words :

                                       Submit                           Listen
                                       Follow                           Aim

                                      Dependent                         Clean

                                        Reject                         Behave

                                        Safe                           Advise

                                       Control                         Flexible
                                      Convincing                        Obey

                                        Alive                           Kind

                                      Responsible                       Prayer

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