Page 224 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 224

220                                                                                             Syllogism

              2. ConCept Builder

            Directions (Qs. 1 -15): In each of the question below are   7.  Statement: All pots are rings. All bangles are rings.
            three statements following by two conclusions numbered I   All rings are paints.
            and II. You have to take the three given statements to be      Conclusions: I. Some paints are pots.
            true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly
            known facts and then decide which of the given conclusion      II.  Some bangles are paints.
            logically  follows from the three statements disregarding   8.  Statement: All pictures are paintings. All paintings
            commonly known fact.                                      are photographs.
            Give answers:                                             Some photographs are designs.
            (a)  if conclusion I follow                                                          (Bank of Baroda PO)
            (b)  if conclusion II follows                             Conclusions: I. Some paintings are designs.

            (c)  if either conclusion I or II follows                 II.  Some photographs are movies.
            (d)  if neither conclusion I nor II follows          9.  Statement: Some tablets are capsules. All capsules
            (e)  if both conclusion I and II follows                  are syrups.
            1.  Statement:  Some desks  tents.  Some tents  are       Some syrups are medicines
                rivers. All rivers are ponds.                         Conclusions: I. Some syrups are powders.
                Conclusions: I. Some ponds are tents.                 II.  Some syrups are tablets.

                                        (Union Bank of India PO)  10.  Statement: All benches are cots. No cot is lamp.
                II.  Some ponds are desks.                            Some lamps are candles.
            2.  Statement: All chairs are pens .Some pens are         Conclusions: I. Some cots are benches.
                knife. All Knives are rats                                                         (Andhra Bank PO)
                Conclusions: I. Some rats are chairs.                 II.  Some candles are cots.
                                        (Union Bank of India PO)  11.  Statement: Some cats are dogs. All dogs are goats.
                II.  Some rats are pen                                All goats are walls.

            3.  Statement: Some forests are huts .Some huts are       Conclusions: I. Some walls are dogs.
                walls. Some walls are nets                            II.  Some walls are cats.

                Conclusions: I. Some nets are forests.           12.  Statement: Some  buildings  are benches.  Some
                II.  Some nets are huts.                              sofas are benches.
            4.  Statement: All tables are windows. All windows are      Some benches are sofas.
                rooms. All rooms are buses.                           Conclusions: I. Some tables are sofas.
                Conclusions: I. Some buses are tables.                II.  No table is sofa.
                II.  Some rooms are tables.                      13.  Statement: All rats are bats. Some bats are desks.
            5.  Statement:  Some trees  are boxes. All boxes are      All desks are chairs.
                bricks. All bricks are dogs.                          Conclusions: I. Some desks are rats.
                Conclusions: I. Some dogs are trees.                  II.  Some chair are rats

                II.  Some bricks are trees.                      14.  Statement: Some roads are ponds. All ponds are
            6.  Statement: All goats are flowers. No flower is        stores. Some stores are bags.
                branch. Some branches are roots.                      Conclusions: I. Some bags are ponds.
                Conclusions: I. Some roots are goats.                 II.  Some stores are roads.
                II.  No roots are goat.
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