Page 228 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 228
224 Syllogism
5. Statement: All chairs are tables. All tables are (d) Both III & IV follow
cushions. Some cushions are trolleys. All trolleys are (e) None of these
lamps. 9. Statement: Some doors are walls. All walls are
Conclusions: I. Some lamps are tables. floors. All floors are rooms. Some rooms are windows.
II. Some trolleys are chairs. Conclusions: I. All walls are rooms.
III. Some cushions are lamps. II. Some rooms are doors.
IV. All chairs are cushions. III. Some rooms are doors.
(a) Only I follows IV. Some floors are doors.
(b) Only III and IV follow (a) None follows
(c) Only either II or II follows (b) Only I & II follows
(d) All follows (c) Only II & III follows
(e) None of these (d) Only I, III & IV follows
6. Statement: Some roses are flowers. Some flowers (e) All follow
are buds. All buds are leaves. All leaves are plants. 10. Statement: Some spoons are forks. Some forks are
Conclusions: I. Some plants are flowers. bowls. All bowls are plates. Some plates are utensils.
II. Some roses are buds. Conclusions: I. Some utensils are forks.
III. No leaves are roses. II. Some plates are forks.
IV. No roses are buds. III. Some plates are spoon.
(a) Only I follows IV. Some utensils are .spoons
(b) Only I & II follows (a) Only I follows
(c) Only I and either II or IV follows (b) Only II follows
(d) Only either II and IV follows (c) Only I & III follows
(e) None of these (d) Only II & IV follow
7. Statement: Some books are journals. All journals (e) None of these
are papers. Some papers are Cards. All cards are 11. Statement: All chairs are tables. All tables are desks.
boards. Some desks are benches. Some desks are sofas.
Conclusions: I. Some papers are books. Conclusions: I. Some benches are sofas.
II. Some papers are boards. II. Some sofas are tables.
III. Some boards are journals. III. Some benches are tables.
IV. Some boards are books. IV. No chair is bench
(a) Only I & II follows (a) None follows
(b) Only I follows (b) Only I & II follows
(c) Only I, II & III follows (c) Only II & III follows
(d) All follow (d) Only I, II & III follow
(e) None of these (e) None of these
8. Statement: Some grapes are apples. Some apples 12. Statement: Some sweets are chocolates. Some
are bananas. All bananas are guavas. chocolates are mints. Some mints are food. Some
No guava is pomegranates.. food is diet.
Conclusions: I. No grapes are pomegranates. Conclusions: I. No sweets are diet.
II. Some guavas are grapes. II. No food is chocolates.
III. Some guavas are apples. III. Some sweets are diet.
IV. No bananas are pomegranates. IV. Some sweets are food.
(a) None follows (a) None follows
(b) Only I & III follows (b) Either I or II follows
(c) Either II or III follows (c) Only III or IV follows