Page 230 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 230

226                                                                                             Syllogism
                II.  No tiger is goat.                                Some windows are tablets.
                III.  Some lions are birds.                           All tablets are books.
                IV.  No lion is bird.                                 Conclusions: I. Some windows are drums.
                (a)  Only either I or II follow                       II.  Some books are posters
                (b)  Only either III or IV follows                    III.  Some tablets are drums.
                (c)  Only either I or II and either III or IV follow     (a)  None follows
                (d)  Only I and III follow                            (b)  Only I follows
                (e)  None of these                                    (c)  Only II follow
            21.  Statement:  All  papers  are bottles. All  bottles are      (d)  Only III follow
                cups. Some cups are jugs.                             (e)  Only  I and II follow
                Some jugs are plates.                            25.  Statement: Some trains are cars.  All cars are
                Conclusions: I. Some plates are cups.                 branches. All branches are nets.
                II.  Some plates are bottle                           Some nets are dresses.               (SBI (PO))
                III.  Some cups are papers.                           Conclusions: I. Some dresses are cars
                IV.  Some bottles are papers.                         II.  Some nets are trains.
                (a)  Only III and IV follow                           III.  Some branches are trains
                (b)  Only I and II follows                            IV.  Some dresses are trains.
                (c)  Only I and III follow                            (a)  Only I and III follow
                (d)  Only II and IV follow                            (b)  Only II and III follow
                (e)  None of these                                    (c)  Only I and IV follow
            22.  Statement: All bulbs are wires. No wire is cable.      (d)  Only II III and IV follow
                Some cables are brushes. All brushes are paints.      (e)  None of these
                Conclusions: I. Some paints are cables.          26.  Statement: some pencils are kites.
                II.  Some wires are bulbs                             Some kites are desks.
                III.  Some brushes are wires.                         All desks are jungles.
                IV.  Some cables are bulbs.                           All jungles are mountains.
                (a)  None follow                                      Conclusions: I. Some mountains are pencils.
                (b)  Only I & II follows                              II.  Some jungles are pencils.
                (c)  Only II follow                                   III.  Some mountains are desks
                (d)  Only III follow                                  IV.  Some jungles are kites.
                (e)  Only IV follow                                   (a)  Only I and III follow
            23.  Statement: All chairs are keys. All keys are balloons.      (b)  Only I, II and III follow
                Some balloons are mirrors.                            (c)  Only III and IV follow
                Some mirrors are desks.                               (d)  Only II, III and IV follow
                Conclusions: I. Some desks are keys.                  (e)  None of these
                II.  Some balloons are chairs                    27.  Statement: All  papers  are clips. Some  chips  are
                III.  Some mirrors are balloons.                      boards. Some boards are lanes.
                (a)  Only I follow                                    All lanes are roads.
                (b)  Only II follows                                  Conclusions: I. Some roads are boards.
                (c)  Only III follow                                  II.  Some lanes are chips
                (d)  Only II and III follow                           III.  Some boards are papers
                (e)  All I, II and III follow                         IV.  Some roads are chips.
            24.  Statement: Some drums are posters.                   (a)  Only I and II follow
                All posters are windows.                              (b)  Only I and III follow
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