Page 234 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 234
230 Syllogism
Concept Builder
1. (a) Some tents are rivers + All rivers are ponds = I Some rooms are tables Hence II follows. Again, All
+ A = I = Some tents are ponds → conversion → tables are rooms + All rooms are buses = A + A =
Some ponds are tents (1) Hence I follows But some All tables are buses → conversion → Some buses are
desk are tents + Some tents are ponds = 1 + A = tables Hence I follows
No Conclusion Hence II does not follow.
2. (b) Some pens are knives + All Knives are rats 1 Tables
+ A = 1 = Some pens are rats → conversion → 5. (e) Some trees are boxes + All boxes are bricks = 1
Some rats are pens (1) Hence 1 follows But All + A = 1 = Some trees are bricks → conversion →
chair are pens + Some pens are rats = 1 + A = No Some bricks are trees + All bricks are dogs = 1 – A
Conclusion Hence I does not follow. = 1 = Some trees are dogs → conversion → Some
Pen dogs are trees Hence 1 follows
Knife Rats Dogs
or Bricks
Pen 6. (c) All goats are flowers + No flower is branch = I +
A = E = E = No goat is branch + Some branches
Knife Rats are roots = E + 1 = 0* = Some roots are not goats.
Hence neither I nor II definitely follows However,
since the two from a complementary I-E pair, either
Chairs of the two must follow.
Some rats are chairs , that’s may or may not be 7. (e) All pots are rings + All rings are paints = A + A =
possible but some rats are pen is confirm. Hence A = All pots are paints → conversion → Some paints
option (b). are pots (I) Hence I follows. All bangles are rings +
All rings are paints = A + A = A = All bangles are
3. (d) I-type statements can’t be combined. paints → implication → Some bangles are paints (I)
Hence II follows.
8. (d) All paintings are photographs + Some
Forests Huts Walls Nets
photographs are designs = A + I = No conclusion
Hence I does not follow. Some photographs are
designs + Some designs are movies = I + I = No
4. (e) All tables are windows + All windows are rooms conclusion Hence II does not follows.
= A + A = All tables are rooms → conversion →
9. (e) Some syrups are medicines + All medicine are
powder = I + A + I = Some syrups are powders.
Hence I follow. Some tablets are capsules + All
capsules are syrups = I + A + I = Some tablets are