Page 235 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 235
Syllogism 231
syrups → conversion→ Some syrups are tablets (I). not follow by combination. However, since they
Hence II follows. make a complementary E-I pair, either of the two
10. (a) All benches are cots (A) → conversion → Some must follow.
cots are benches (I) Hence follows. No cot is lamp 13. (d) All rats are bats + Some bats are desks = I + A
+ Some lamps are candles = I + E = O* = Some = No conclusion Hence I and subsequently II do not
candles are not cots Hence II does not follow follow.
11. (e) All dogs are goats + All goats are walls = A + A 14. (b) All ponds are stores + Some stores are bags = I
= A = All dogs are walls. (I) Hence I follows. Some + A = No conclusion Hence I does not follow. Some
cats are dogs + All dogs are walls = I + A = I = roads are ponds + All ponds are stores = I + A =
Some cats are wall → conversion → Some walls are I = Some roads are stores → conversion → Some
cats. (I) Hence II follows. stores are roads (I) Hence II follows.
12. (c) Some sofas are benches + Some benches are
tables = I + I = No conclusion. Hence I and II do
Concept Cracker
1. (d) All pins are rods + Some rods are chains = A + Hence I follows.
I = No conclusion Hence I and III does not follow. 7. (e) All sofas are beds + All beds are mats = A + A =
However, the two a complementary I-E pair, Hence A = All sofas are mats → conversion → Some mats
either I or III follows. Some rods are chains + All are sofas (I). Hence I follows. All tables are sofas +
chains are hammers = I + A + I = Some rods are All sofas are beds = A + A = A = All tables are beds
hammers → conversion → Some hammers are rods → conversion → Some beds are tables (I). Hence II
(I). Hence II follows. follows. All tables are beds + All beds are mats =
2. (a) I-type statements can’t be combined. A + A = A = All tables are mats → conversion →
3. (b) All buckets are tubs(A) → conversion ⇒ Some Some mats are tables (I). Hence III follows.
tubs are buckets (I) Hence II does not follow. All 8. (d) I-type statements can’t be combined no
buckets are tubs + All tubs are drums A + A = A = conclusion follow by combined But II and III make a
All buckets are drums → conversion → Some drums complementary I-E pair, Hence either I or III follows.
are buckets + All buckets are drums = A + A + I + 9. (a) Some trees are houses + All houses are wheels =
= Some drums are pots(I). Hence II follows. I + A = I = Some trees are wheels → (I) conversion
4. (c) All pins are bags (A) → conversion → Some bags → Some wheels are trees (I). Hence I follows. All
are pins (I). All needles are bags + Some bags are flowers are trees → (A) conversion → Some trees
pins = A + I = No conclusion Hence I and III do are flowers (I). Hence II follows. But II and III can’t,
not follow by combination. However, they form an be combined as they are I-type statements Hence III
complementary E-I pair, either I or III follows. Again, does not follow.
All chalks are bags + conversion of All needles are 10. (d) All windows are doors + All doors are boats = A
bags = A + I = No conclusion Hence II do not
follow + A = A = All windows are boats. Hence I follows.
All buildings are doors + All doors are boats = A +
5. (a) Some buses are trucks + Some trucks are boats A = A = All buildings are boats. Hence II follows. All
= I + I = No conclusion Hence II and consequently doors are boats (A) → conversion → Some boats are
do not follow Some trucks are boats + No boat is doors(I). Hence III follows.
jeep = I + E = O = Some trucks are not jeeps.
Hence III does not follow. 11. (d) Some radios are telephones + All telephones
6. (d) All flowers are trees + All trees are jungles = A are mirrors = I + A = I = Some radios are mirrors
Hence II follows Some radios are mirrors + All
+ A = A = All flowers are jungles → conversion → mirrors are desks = I + A = I = Some radios are
Some jungles are flowers Hence III follows. All trees desks Hence I follows. All telephones are mirrors +
are jungles + No jungle is hill = A + E = E = No
tree is hill. Hence III follows. All flowers are trees + All mirrors are desks = A + A = All telephones are
No tree is hill. Hence II follows. All flowers are trees desks → conversion → Some desks are telephones
+ No tree is hill = A + E = E = No flower is hill. (I). Hence III follows.