Page 231 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 231

Syllogism                                                                                           227
                (c)  Only I, II and III follow                   29.  Statement: All stones are hammers. No hammer is
                (d)  Only II, III and IV follow                       a ring. Some rings are doors.
                (e)  None of these                                    All doors are windows.
            28.  Statement:  All  pens  are clocks. Some  clocks are      Conclusions: I. Some windows are stones.
                tyres. Some tyres are wheels.                         II.  Some windows are rings
                Some wheels are buses.                                III.  No window is a stone.
                Conclusions: I. Some buses are tyres.                 IV.  Some rings are stones.
                II.  Some wheels are clocks.                          (a)  Only I follows
                III.  Some wheels are pens                            (b)  Only II follows
                IV.  Some buses are clocks.                           (c)  Only III follows
                (a)  None follows                                     (d)  Only either I or III follows
                (b)  Only I follows                                   (e)  Only either I or III and II follows
                (c)  Only II follows
                (d)  Only III follows
                (e)  Only IV follows
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