Page 310 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 310

306                                                                                      Series Completion
            15  (2)- Increase of arc and faces in  a single  or one

                                                    Concept Cracker

            1.   (1) one dot is replaced by a symbol and the          their  places  one  unit  and  the elements  at the left
                 replacement takes place on either end. And rotates   bottom corner end right upper corner interchanged
                 anti clock wise at 45 degree in each step.           their places this patterns follows alternately to the
                                                                      alternate figures
            2.   (1) the symbol gets vertically inverted and laterally
                 inverted alternately. It also moves in anti-clockwise   10.  (2)
                 direction through distance equal to two half- side (of   11.  (1) in each step, both the line segment close to the
                 square boundary) and three half sides alternately.
                                                                      sides of the hexagon at adjacent side in a clock wise
            4.   (1) the arcs gets inverted sequentially in one, two,   direction, also the line segment at the corner to the
                 three, one, two, three... manner  and in anti clock   box moves clock wise and the number increases.
                                                                 12.  (3) In each step the outer large figure disappears and
            5.   (1) two elements are added in each in each step, be   the middle element becomes the outer large figure
                 it two lines, two arcs or one line and one arc.      for the next step.
            6.   (3) similar figures reappears in every fourth step and
                 each  time  a figure rotates through  90 degree  anti   13.  (1) all squares,  +  and circle moves anti clock wise
                 clock wise.                                          and on 2nd step the arcs get laterally inverted.

            7.   (2) two, three, four, two, three, curves get inverted
                                                                 14.  (2) the petals move 45 degree clockwise and every
            8.   (1) in each step, the upper element is lost, the middle   step a half petals added to the previous figure and
                 element  reduces  in  size and  becomes  the  upper   the addition done first right side than left side.
                 element, the lower element  enlarges and become
                 the middle element and every time a new element
                 appears at the bottom of the figure.            15.  (3)
            9.   (3) the elements present at the diagonally  ( left.
                 Upper corner to the bottom down corner) changes
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