Page 356 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 356

352                                                                                        Cubes and Dices
            7.   Option (a) as both the figure contains one dot and 5   10.  Option (c) as per the question, sum of the numbers
                 dots, fixing the 5 dots face and moving one dot face   on opposite sides or faces is always 7. Therefore 1
                 position to fig (i). we find 4 dots is opposite to 2 dots.  apprears opposite 6, 2 appears  opposite  5 and 3
            8.   Option (d): as 1, 3 5 and 6 are adjacent to 2 in all   must appears opposite of 4.
                 the three positions, if 3 is opposite to 5 that we came      In (a) 1 cannot adjacent to 6
                 across from the figures. So it is obvious that one will      In (b) 3 cannot adjacent to 4
                 be opposite to 6.
                                                                      In (d) 2 cannot appears adjacent to 5
            9.   Option (c) from figure I, ii and iv we conclude that 6,
                 4, 3 and 1 lie adjacent to 2. Hence 5 be opposite of 2.     Hence only option (c) is correct.

                                         Solutions of Dice Construction

            1.   (c) as the dot face cannot be adjacent to both the   5.   (a) option (a) satisfies  all the conditions of dice
                 dark shaded  faces. Hence  option  © cannot  be      formation or constructions.
                 possible.                                       6.   (a)option (a) it is clear from the alternatives.
            2.   (c) option (a) and option (d) will be eliminated as we   7.   (b) in option (b) “?” and “/” are adjacent to each
                 see the figure as the pattern face is adjacent to face   other, which cannot be possible.
                 C, which cannot be possible. In Option (b) D and E
                 both are adjacent to C, but there direction should   8.   (iii) option b and c cannot satisfies the conditions of
                 be clock wise. Face D on the left side and face E on   dice formation, as option (b) B cannot be adjacent
                 the right side that can be possible only when pattern   to D and in option (c) two white faces cannot be
                 face be on the top. Hence option (c)                 adjacent to each other.

            3.   (b) option (iii) will be eliminated as the separation   9.   (a) from the alternatives it is very easy to recognize
                 present on the two faces which is possible and       option (a) as it satisfies all the conditions of a dice
                 option (iv) as the separation is not on the middle of   formation.
                 the face.                                       10.  (c): in option (c) 2 and 5 are adjacent to the whiter
            4.   (d) option (i) and (ii) cannot be possible as the    portion side of the half shaded face, but in the option
                 shaded face will not be adjacent to doted face.      2 is attached with the darker side, which cannot be
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