Page 388 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 388

QB-32                                                                            Miscellaneous Question Bank
            451. In a row of men, Manoj is 30  from the right and
                Kiran is 20  from the left. When they interchange
                their position, Manoj becomes 35  from the right.
                What is the total number of men in the row?
                                             [SSC CGL 2015]
                (a)  45                (b)  44
                (c)  54                (d)  34
            Directions (Qs. 452  to 453)  : Among the  four
            answer figures which can be formed from the cut
            out pieces given in question figure.                          (a)        (b)         (c)        (d)
                                             [SSC CGL 2015]      456. How many Ms occur in the following series such that
                                                                      it is preceded by W and followed by V?
                                                                                                 [SSC CHSL 2013]
                                                                      X U V M R S T M W N V M W O P M W U V M W A
                                                                      C W M V H P N V W M W T U N
                                                                      (a)  3                 (b)  2
                                                                      (c)  1                 (d)  5
                                                                 457. Identify the answer figure from which the pieces
                   (a)       (b)      (c)        (d)                  given in the question figure have been cut.
                                                                                                 [SSC CHSL 2015]
                                                                      Question Figures:


                                                                      Answer Figures:
                   (a)      (b)       (c)       (d)
            454. From the answer figures, select the cut pieces from   (a)                   (b)
                which the question figure is formed/made.
                                             [SSC CGL 2015]

                                                                      (c)                    (d)

                                                                 458. Identify  the answer figure from which  the  pieces
                                                                      given in the question figure have been cut.
                                                                                                 [SSC CHSL 2015]
                                                                      Question Figure:

                     (a)       (b)        (c)        (d)
            455. Identify  the answer figure from which  the  pieces
                given in the question figure have been cut.
                                             [SSC CGL 2015]

                                                                      Answer Figures.
   383   384   385   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393