Page 392 - Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews
P. 392

QB-36                                                                            Miscellaneous Question Bank
            473. Six faces of the dice are A, B, C, D, E and F. A is   not wearing. Which girl of Emerals House is tall and
                adjacent to B. B is adjacent to D but not C. E is     is wearing glass?            [SSC CGL 2015]
                adjacent to D and F. What is the side opposite to A?     (a)  C              (b)  B
                                                                      (c)  D                 (d)  A
                                            [SSC CHSL 2015]      476. P, Q, R, S, T, U are 6 members of a family in which
                (a)  C                 (b)  F                         there are two married couples. T, a teacher is married
                (c)  D                 (d)  E                         to a doctor who is mother of R and U. Q, the lawyer
                                                                      is married to P. P has one son and one grandson. Of
                           PUZZLE TEST                                the two married ladies one is a house wife. There
                                                                      is also one student and one male engineer  in the
            474. Seven persons A, B, C, D, E, F and G are standing    family. Which of the following is true about the
                in a straight line.          [SSC CGL 2015]           grand-daughter of the family?  [SSC CGL 2015]
                D is to the right of G.                               (a)  She is a lawyer   (b)  She is a student
                C is between A and B.                                 (c)  She is an engineer  (d)  She is a doctor
                E is between F and D.
                There are three persons between G and B.         477. Eight  friends A, B, C, D, E, G and H are sitting
                Who is on the extreme left?                           around table in the same order at equal distances.
                (a)  A                 (b)  B                         Their positions are in clockwise direction. If G, who
                                                                      is sitting in the north exchange seat with C, and B
                (c)  D                 (d)  G                         exchange seat with F. Now who is sitting to the right
            475. Six students A, B, C, D, E, F are sitting on the ground   of F?                 [SSC CHSL 2015]
                A and B belong to Ruby House, while the rest belong
                to Emerald House. D and F are tall, while others are      (a)  G             (b)  E
                short. C and D are wearing glasses while others are      (c)  A              (d)  B
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