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gorgeous weather but a slightly smaller swell than we’d have liked. However, the boys used the comfortable conditions to perfect their “pop-ups” and improve their steering.The trip involves two sessions of expert surf tuition each day and it allows the boys to get some group and individual coaching whilst in the water. The trip was a huge success and we hope to increase the size of the group next year.
In June, two 74-foot Challenger yachts set sail from Portsmouth harbour carrying ourYear 8 group for an exhilarating trip along the Solent.
The yachts travelled along the Isle of Wight for most of the trip. On Challenger 1 the boys impressed the crew with their geographical knowledge about ‘Old Harry’ and ‘The Needles’, whilst the other yacht focused their energies on practising their knot-tying skills
on each other in preparation for their rst yachting quali cation.
The highlight of the trip was witnessing some boys attempting to climb the 92-foot mast.
A select group of eager Year 8 boys arrived
in Wales full of enthusiasm and determination
for a new adventure.With the weather set fair, the mountains looked idyllic and a lake looked so inviting that, after a long journey,
a swim was the perfect way of setting the boys up for what was to be an adrenaline- fuelled week of activities. Rock climbing, abseiling and coasteering, culminating in a 9-mile hike up Snowdon, provided challenges and opportunities for the boys to embrace and navigate. Every boy demonstrated resilience and courage when things got tough, which will no doubt set them up well for their new school.
27 Year 8 boys choose to visit the fantastic Scottish capital as their nal residential trip at the Prep.
We enjoyed a guided walk to Edinburgh Castle; we were shown around Holyrood Palace; we popped into the debating chamber and watched the Scottish Parliament in session; we had a very windy trip out to North Berwick (so windy that we had to replace our planned boat trip to Bass Rock with a stroll around the National Museum of Flight); we scared ourselves in the underground passages on a ghost walk; we visited the superb multimedia geological exhibition at Dynamic
Main image: 74 feet above our Challenger yachts Left: Noah on the farm;Year 3 teamwork Above: Toma and Ollie chill at Tantallon Castle; James leads the mud run; this way up!
Below: Zaki catching a wave
Earth and then climbed Arthur’s Seat; and we even managed a trip to the cinema.
However, in the popularity stakes, all these amazing excursions failed to beat sampling a deep-fried Mars bar and washing it down with Irn-Bru!