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Musical notes
Philip Brooke Director of Music ......................................................................
Last term involved huge numbers of musicians performing in various situations: Pre-Prep and Lower School concerts highlighted the potential of our younger musicians; Assembly and Pupils’ Concert performances were consistently strong; over 100 boys passed external music grade examinations; boys performed at the Sparrow Golf Day; Jazz Band, Rock Band, String Quintet and Big Band entertained at Celebration 2018 (where few will forget Oliver’s percussive ‘moment of excellence’); senior musicians entertained at Leavers’ Sunday; and choristers were joined by the Brass Group and soloists at the end of term service in
St Stephen’s Church.Thanks are due to all who performed on these occasions as well as at those major events mentioned below.
Described in the Headmaster’s welcome
as ‘musical colossi’, Ian Bostridge is an internationally renowned tenor, especially famous for his interpretation of German Lieder. Nicholas Ansdell-Evans, as well as being on the music staff at ENO, is in huge demand
as a pianist, organist, composer and conductor. The recital launched the appeal for our Memorial Wall with plaques dedicated to those from the Prep Community who have fallen in con ict.
Members of the Chamber Choir were encouraged to further their singing ambitions as Ian observed and commented on the boys in a rehearsal situation.The main recital began with a poignant presentation relating just some of the stories of Old Boys and former staff who lost their lives in service for their country.
Especially moving was the story of Lieutenant Mark Evison who died in Afghanistan. Mark’s mother was present for the evening’s concert, and Ian and Nicholas’s beautifully-selected programme perfectly re ected the inspiration for the evening’s recital.The evening concluded with an interview conducted by Ian and Nicholas’s friend and contemporary at the Prep, Huw Humphreys.
We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Ian and Nicholas for providing memories that will last a lifetime and for launching the Memorial Wall Appeal in such tremendous style.
Huge congratulations are due to our senior musicians who showcased their work as the year’s music scholarship candidates.The boys won a total of 13 awards between them. Whilst performing in a solo environment, the collegiate spirit within this group was plain to see. It would, therefore, be inappropriate to mention individual performances but every boy was congratulated on his contribution
to the evening. Mr Roulston, in his closing remarks, commented on the poise with which each boy performed and said he was ‘humbled’ to be in the presence of such musicianship
in boys so young.
This annual competition, now in its 30th
year, continues to gather momentum. 93 young pianists participated in the competitive stages of the competition, and there were
52 entries in Class 1 alone. Mr Brooke and members of the music staff presided over the preliminary rounds of the competition and it was clear to see just how strong our pianists are. It seemed a shame, therefore, that not all could progress to the nal stage but every boy should be congratulated on his par ticipation. A fur ther 50+ boys par ticipated in the Abrahams Elementary Festival when they played to an audience and received feedback from Mrs Chambers - but there
is no competitive element to this part of the Abrahams celebration.
Our adjudicator for the Competition nals was Mr Christopher Dyer, Director of Music at Sevenoaks School. It was a pleasure to welcome Mr Dyer to Dulwich Prep and his wise and fair comments will have given every nalist encouragement and guidance for their development as young pianists.Well done to