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Spor ts round-up
very exciting to see.The continued success
of the T20 leagues across the globe and the excitement and innovation on show in these matches has clearly struck a chord with the younger cricketing generation, and schools are increasingly gearing their cricket to this version of the game. Some of the strokes played by our boys, not only in the nets but in matches, would have purists turning in their graves but, as coaches of the new generation of cricketers, this is something we need to encourage and nurture. I have also noticed how the younger boys have started thinking more about their cricket.Whether batsmen or bowlers they
The summer term was, as usual, very busy
on the sporting front. Our boys competed
in water polo nals, worked hard in the run up to the conclusion of the swimming season and took part in more than 80 cricket xtures in a little over seven weeks that we had available for cricket.
I was again very impressed by the work ethic of the boys during their games sessions as well as in the lunchtime and after-school
net sessions provided.The skill levels across the age groups with both bat and ball was
are increasingly likely to have de nite opinions on eld placings, and to ask questions about bowling variations or about where they should be batting when taking guard to different bowlers or at different stages of the game.
It is essential that we harness this enthusiasm and look to build it into their development along with the traditional basics.We have more time in the games programme this year which is particularly exciting from a cricketing perspective as it is a sport which requires plenty of time for a player to develop even the most basic skills.
Well done to all our boys for the successes of the season.
When not on the cricket eld or the athletics track, boys enjoyed some time in the pool. This summer both the U11’s and U13’s played their national water polo xtures. After convincing quali cation rounds at Whitgift
the boys progressed to the national nals at Northampton Boys’ School. It was a fantastic day with the U13’s nishing 5th nationally, and the U11’s only losing the tournament on goal difference.
In addition to our internal swimming competitions -Tribe Galas forYears 3, 4
and 6 – we hosted the rst ever Dulwich Schools Swimming Championships (for boys
in Years 6, 7 and 8) and had successful home xtures against Finton House and James Allen’s Prep School.
The boys from Years 4-8 were invited
to Eastbourne College to take part in a swimming gala against St Andrew’s Prep, where the boys displayed their dominance - swimming to their usual high standards and winning comfortably. In the annual Fone Cup we had the best swimmers fromYears 7 & 8 competing in a 400m freestyle race. James
in Year 8 managed to pull away from Peter inYear 7 in the last 100m to win the Cup; congratulations to James who leaves us as
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Top: The Old Boys, staff, parents and boys after their match; Marcus sporting the Prep version of the Australian ‘Baggy’