Page 19 - test
P. 19
Post-race ice lollies at Early Years
Above clockwise: Lucas takes off; Luca shows great Fosbury technique; Josh in powerful mood
Below right: Ezra needs a security guard
Gabe races over the hurdles
Battersea Park athletics track bathed in glorious sunshine was
the setting for our Athletics Finals Day - a wonderful day of sporting participation and achievement.The drama started in the rst event of the day when two races were decided at the last ight when the leaders clipped a hurdle and were passed by the eagerly chasing pack.That set the tone for some exceptionally exciting and close races on the track over the course of the morning.
Each event was cheered more loudly than the previous one as the spectators got caught up in the excitement.At the conclusion of each track and eld event parents showed their appreciation for the winners and for those who pushed them on to achieve.
There were some fantastic eld event efforts withTom (Y7) reaching almost 10m in the triple jump, Nathanael (Y8) breaking the 10m barrier in the triple jump, Josh (Y8) and Mason (Y7) throwing the shot over 9 metres and Louis (Y6) and Zac (Y5) both throwing
the cricket ball over 40 metres.
The day was brought to an exciting close as we all sat and watched the conclusion of the Year 8 high jump nal which was eventually won by Zac with a height of 1.45 metres.
Kit puts his back in to it; below: smiles
all the way in the Red Class beanbag race
Khiani leads the way in the 800m