Page 6 - Think Write IWB User Manual
P. 6
3. Managing Teachers:
1. Teachers management can be accessed through Left Menu >> Manage Teachers
2. This will load teachers listing page. All the teachers from the logged in school will be listed here.
3. Clicking on ‘Add’ button will take user to Teacher Addition module.
4. After filling up all the details user can click on save button.
5. To filter the teachers list, click on “Click to Filter Results”
6. Any teacher entry can be edited by clicking on ‘Edit’ button against any teacher entry.
7. Note: If you don’t want to update password for any teacher, please keep ‘Password’ and ‘Confirm Password’
fields blank.
8. Adding any value into those fields will update password for that Teacher
4. Managing Pupils:
1. Pupil Management can be accessed through Left Menu >> Manage Pupils
2. Clicking on Manage pupil will take user to pupil list page.
3. User can add new pupil entry by clicking on ‘Add’ button.
4. To filter the pupil list, click on “Click to Filter Results”
5. Any pupil entry can be edited by clicking on ‘Edit’ button against any pupil entry.
6. Here user can select multiple pupils and delete them at once by clicking on “Delete Multiple Pupils”
7. User can add multiple pupil entries using Import feature.
8. User needs to upload CSV file with proper format to add multiple pupils at once into the system.
9. User can download sample CSV file by click on ‘Download Sample File’ button.
©2018. Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited