Page 9 - Think Write IWB User Manual
P. 9

Module 1: Learning the Cognitive Framework
Learning Objectives for Module 1:
This is the section of the programme that establishes the 'thinking folders' inside the children's cognitive process- ing systems, it helps establish an organised structure into which the children can store and retrieve all the rules and understanding around letter formation, letter height and size and spatial placement.
All children using the Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting Programme will need this module creating a universal framework of understanding, so as a teacher you can identify where children are int he programme and at what pace they need to progress in their learning.
Module 1 : Showing and Telling
    Module 1 - Introducing the Animal Characters
1. Click on the Showing and Telling button.
2. Select the animal character you would like to introduce.
3. The flashcard for the animal you have chosen will appear will appear, push the blue arrow to reveal
the buttons.
4. Ask the children about the animal, what they know already, so you can reinfoce the ‘rules’ for height,
size, spatial placement and starting shape.
5. See the image below for more details.
6. Repeat for the other animal characters.
  Button 1 – Press this to hear the animal’s noise.
Button 2 – Press this to reveal the spatial placement of the animal i.e. stands on grass and reaches the cloud or the
Button 3 – Press this to reveal the size of the animal i.e. short or tall.
Button 4 – Press this to reveal the animal’s movement. Please also reinfoirce the learning by demonstrating the
movement yourself.
Button 5 – Press this to reveal the animal’s starting shape.
©2018. Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited

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