Page 6 - Pony Think Write Teachers Guide to Module 1
P. 6
Module 4: Writing with Fluency and Control Teacher’s Guide.
Establishing that a child is ready to join their letters
Lesson Plan:
For a child to be ready to begin joining their letters they must first demonstrate that they have a full understanding of the Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting Programme cognitive concepts and that they can form their letters correctly. One way of reviewing a child’s understanding is to complete the worksheet ‘Organising the letters into category groups’ on page 32.
1. Provide each child with worksheet shown above and demonstrate to the class or group how they are expected to fill in the sheet.
2. Each child should understand that they are to progress through the alphabet, writing each letter in the correct animal section; for example, the letter a should be written in the Georgia the Shetland Pony section and b should be written in the Harriet the Cow section.
3. Pick a Pippa the Rabbit letter and ask the whole group in which section could this letter be written. If it is not spontaneously identified, facilitate the discussion that a Pippa the Rabbit letter should fit in two categories both its formation group and the Pippa the Rabbit group, as the letter‘s tail goes underground. For example j would go both in the Rupert the White Sheep section and Pippa the Rabbit section.
4. Once the sheets are completed, analyse the children’s work for understanding of the concepts. If a child has correctly identified all the letters they are ready to begin joining their letters when writing.
5. If a child has identified any letters incorrectly, target these in further handwriting sessions before repeating the above exercise with the child in a small group or in a 1:1 session.
A child who is struggling with writing can complete this task by placing the non-illustrated animal cards in the correct quadrant. This will enable an understanding of the Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting cognitive concepts whilst they continue to practise and develop their writing.
© 2016 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited