Page 4 - Teachers Guide to Module 3 (PONY)
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Module 3: Learning to Write Teacher’s Guide.
The objective of Module 3: Learning to Write is to enable children to learn to form their letters and to write them easily. Many children, especially those that are older, who are ready to start forming their letters with more accuracy will start this module after completing the module, Module 1 – Learning the Cognitive Framework.
Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting Programme uses cursive or joined font, starting with a lead-in line and ending with a lead-out stroke. Teaching each letter individually and in a structured, cursive way ensures that the child only needs to learn once, as the single letter formation then lends itself easily to joining letters together. This dispels the idea that writing in cursive script is too complicated initially.
In the Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting Programme each of the 26 alphabet letters have been linked to an animal category. This is based on their starting shape as you begin to write the letter. We recommend that Harriet the Cow’s letters are taught first, as they are the easiest to write. This should then be followed by Georgia the Shetland Pony’s up and over letters because of the high level of contrast in their start line shape to the Harriet the Cow start line shape. The final and largest letter group are the sheep letters. Rupert the White Sheep letters have a short, straight, vertical start line. We recommend that you start with these before introducing Zac the Grey Sheep letters. This is because Zac the Grey Sheep’s letters are somewhat unusual as they all start with a short, straight, horizontal or diagonal line. There is a final group of letters that belong to Pippa the Rabbit. Pippa the Rabbit’s group is primarily there to define spatial placement as it collects together all the descending letters.
Teaching children their letter formations by animal categories naturally builds in repetition of the formation patterns and reinforces the letter formations. This is because all the letters in each category start with the same starting line, are all the same height and have the same spatial placement on the line. Chunking letters into smaller categories makes for easier learning, memory, storage and retrieval of information about the letters.
It is best to work through this guide in a sequenced order. This naturally sequences the letters for you and builds on previous learning in a stepwise manner. In addition you can reinforce the letters using the letter cards and activities in the Hemispheres Cognitive Games Pack.
Overall Targets for Module 3: Learning to Write.
1. To be independently writing all 6 Harriet the Cow letters
2. To be independently writing all 7 Georgia the Shetland Pony letters
3. To be independently writing all 8 Rupert the White Sheep and 5 Zac the Grey Sheep letters
4. To be recognising the Pippa the Rabbit letters
5. To be recalling accurately each letter in each animal category without the need for visual prompts or
6. To be writing all the letters with the correct spatial placement on the Illustrated Paper 7. To be demonstrating an understanding of the above concepts in their everyday writing
As children develop confidence in their writing they will naturally begin to show curiosity and interest in learn- ing to join their letters together to do “proper writing”. The Hemispheres Think Write Handwriting Programme is designed to teach children accuracy for both the lead-in and lead-out line of each letter, so children are equipped with the ability to begin joining their letters to match their emerging curiosity.
We recommend that each child is monitored and encouraged to join their letters when they are ready. For more formalised teaching on how to join letters together please refer to the Teachers’ Guide Module 4: Writing with Fluency and Control.
© 2014 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited