Page 5 - Teachers Guide to Module 3 (PONY)
P. 5

Module 3: Learning to Write Teacher’s Guide.
The Correct Grip
Developing an efficient and pain free pencil grip is essential for all children, and whilst for most children this develops over time, it is important that the correct pencil grip is modelled and encouraged in the early years of education.
The most approved pencil grips are that of a tripod or quadropod grasp. If you write using a grip that is different you will need to alter your grip during demonstrations.
Tripod Grip
Standard Grip: Hold pencil between thumb and index finger. Pencil
rests on the middle finger
Quadropod Grip
Alternative grip: Hold pencil with thumb, index and middle finger. Pencil rests on the ring finger
      © 2014 Shelley Birkett-Eyles. Hemispheres Think Write Limited

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