Page 12 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
P. 12

Detective recruits

       Trainee detective

       inspired by ‘superhero’

       superintendent father

          nspired by her “superhero”
          superintendent father, a trainee
       Idetective says she feels honoured to be
       part of the first ever West Midlands Degree
       Holder and Detective Entry Programme as
       she says all she wants to do is serve and
       protect the public.
          Amelia Asquith (23) is currently in her
       fourth week of training, having decided to
       follow in the footsteps of her father, Phil
       Asquith, who is a superintendent with the
          She is one of a handful of students
       taking part in a two-year work-based
       training programme supported by off-the-
       job learning, with a specific focus on
       investigating. This is the first of its kind at
       West Midlands Police.
          “When I heard this programme had been
       made available, I applied as soon as I
       finished my university degree,” said Amelia,
       who spent three years studying English
       literature in Lincoln.
          “I thought being a detective was years
       down the line, but I’ve managed to achieve
       my dreams sooner. It’s crazy to think I’ve
       achieved my dreams in the middle of a
       pandemic, at the time when the world had
       stopped. It was as if everything just fell into
       place, like it was meant to be.
          “I feel so honoured to be in this position.”
          Amelia’s passion for policing stems back
       to her childhood, which saw her growing up
       around the Force, looking up to her
       “superhero” dad, whose achievements have
       always propelled her to do her best.
          “I’m inspired by my Mum and my Dad.
       Dad has always motivated me,” she says,“I’m   New recruit Amelia with her father Superintendent Phil Asquith.
       in awe of him. I’ve had so many
       compliments on him from my peers.”   the kids to stay in the lake, I pushed for them   colleague’s trousers off and cut the blood
          It was during a stint at Camp America   to get out,” she recalls.      circulation off.
       that Amelia says she realised she was meant      “The second incident, which was the real      “She nearly lost her leg, she could’ve
       to be a police officer.              determinator for me, was when a colleague   died,” she added.
          “There were two specific incidents which   got bitten by a snake. It was a copperhead      “I’d always wanted to follow in my Dad’s
       encouraged me to consider a role in the   snake, which can be severely dangerous and   footsteps but I didn’t ever think I was
       Force. One of which was when I was working   sometimes fatal. It was chaos, everyone was   capable. It was during my time at Camp
       in Texas and noticed a snake’s nest in the   screaming.”                  America that I realised I could do this.”
       lake the children were swimming in. Despite      Amelia remembers having “tunnel      Amelia discovered she had been
       my superiors telling me that they wanted   vision”. She explains that she ripped her   accepted onto the course on her Dad’s

       12      federation  October/November 2021                         
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