Page 17 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
P. 17

his year’s National Police Memorial   It is really important that the police service
            Day (NPMD) honouring police officers  “
       Twho have lost their lives in the line of   pauses to remember those who have given
       duty was attended by 300 people this year
       after coronavirus forced an online virtual   their lives in the line of duty and also to show
       service last year.                        their families that their sacrifice is not
          The service, held at Lincoln Cathedral on
       Sunday 26 September, was the 19th event of   forgotten.
       its kind after being founded by now retired                    “
       Kent Inspector Joe Holness QPM OBE
       following the death of his colleague Jon      “It is really important that the police      “The men and women on the frontline
       Odell in 2000.                      service pauses to remember those who have   have risen to those challenges because of
          Jon Nott, chair of West Midlands Police   given their lives in the line of duty and also   the inspiration and legacy of those who
       Federation, attended the service along with   to show their families that their sacrifice is   went before, never asking what was in it for
       Helen Walker whose husband Mac died on 4   not forgotten.”               them but instead asking ‘what can I do?’
       October 2001 when his West Midlands      National police chaplain and NPMD   Courage in policing comes in many forms,
       police motorcycle was deliberately rammed   co-ordinator, the Reverend Canon David   including meeting a life-threatening
       by the driver of a car that he was attempting   Wilbraham MBE, said: “This service exists to   situation, yet it is sometimes tough, unfair,
       to stop after it went through a red light.   pay tribute to the brave men and women   thankless and dangerous.
       Helen was accompanied by her friend,   who gave us their all; long may we      “Today we pay tribute to the courage of
       Carole Rogers, whose husband was also a   remember them and their sacrifice. I hope   those killed in service and the great courage
       police officer and died while on an   the service provides comfort and   shown by their families ever since. The loss
       expedition on Mount Kilimanjaro. Chief   reassurance that their legacy will live on.”  of an officer is felt by each member of our
       Constable Dave Thompson represented the      Home Secretary Priti Patel gave a love   service and this year, sadly, we add six more
       Force.                              themed reading from 1 Corinthians 13 and   families to those we want to protect and
          Jon said after the service: “National   Metropolitan Police Commissioner Dame   support. Your loss, your pain, your
       Police Memorial Day is one of the most   Cressida Dick gave the address.  bereavement, of course, never goes away but
       important dates in the policing calendar      She told the congregation: “Policing is a   our desire to help, protect and support
       and this year seemed to have an added   vocation and the last 18 months have tested   endures. We will always try our hardest to
       poignancy since we were unable to meet in   our policing mission is some all too familiar
       person for the service last year.   ways and some new ways.                         Feature continued on Page 18

       Lighting a candle in memory of fallen officers.                                     federation  October/November 2021        17
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