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Roads Policing Conference 2021

       Conference puts

       roads policing

       under the spotlight

       With an input from the police minister and discussions involving a wide range of experts, the Police
       Federation’s Virtual Roads Policing Conference 2021 proved to offer something of interest for anyone with
       an interest in the future direction of policing our roads.
         We have provided summaries of all sessions for members and you can also listen to all or some of the
       day’s discussions by visiting the Roads Policing Conference page on the national Police Federation website.

       Police minister praises

       roads policing units

            he minister for crime and policing has   years, Mr Malthouse
            called roads policing units ‘key   highlighted two critical
       Tmembers of the crime-fighting team’   areas of focus, continuing to
       as he thanked officers for the work they do   put a stop to county lines
       during the opening of this year’s Police   and the compliant vehicle
       Federation of England and Wales’ Virtual   initiative.
       Roads Policing Conference.              “County lines have to be
          Kit Malthouse praised officers for their   stopped,” he said, “We are
       work throughout the pandemic, during the   making good progress and
       ministerial addresses at the virtual event,   you have played a critical
       attended by more than 600 specialists   part in that.
       across the country.                     “As we tighten our grip
          Commenting on the past 18 months, the   on the rail network, we will
       minister said roads policing teams,   see those people transfer
       alongside the rest of UK policing, have “come   onto the roads and
       up smelling of roses”.               motorways. Your ability to
          “Usually, we ask you to stand between us   cut these lines on the road
       and criminals and standing between us and   network is critical.
       a disease was a new experience,” he said,      “It’s time to really put
       “Your skills and expertise have been put to   our foot on the accelerator
       the test. I would like to thank you for the   and in the next few years,
       work you all do.                     see an end to county lines.”  Kit Malthouse, minister for crime and policing.
          “While it had its tensions and its      Referring to the
       moments, British policing, and roads   compliant vehicle initiative, Mr Malthouse   intercepted,” he told delegates.
       policing in particular came out of it   said that cleaning up compliance on the      Mr Malthouse ended by praising roads
       extremely well and in better shape than it   road is critical in getting to those who the   policing officers, saying: “You are critical
       went in terms of the affections of the public.   police really should be intercepting.  partners in the fight for organised crime. You
       It was a fantastic job and I thank you all.”     “We need to ensure our roads are nice   are absolute key members of the crime-
          Forecasting his agenda for the next few   and tidy, so the real villains can be   fighting team.”

       20       federation  October/November 2021                       
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