Page 21 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
P. 21

“You need                             IOPC support for

       a pay rise”
                                             amendment to new bill

                                             Support for an amendment to the Police,   outside of their training and force policy.
                                             Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill to      “The Federation is concerned about
                                             better protect police drivers has been   situations in which police drivers are
                                             voiced by a director at the Independent   required to act instinctively and find
                                             Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).  themselves in a situation which might
                                                Steve Noonan from the IOPC’s    not have been the subject of policy or
                                             directorate of major investigations, was   teaching and officers have elected to
                                             speaking at the Federation’s virtual Roads   drive outside of training, and we have all
                                             Policing Conference during a panel session   done this for the right reasons, to keep
                                             called “Steering Change for Police Drivers”.  the public safe, means that that driver
                                                Steve said the IOPC found itself in the   has potentially and consciously decided
                                             unusual position of being on the same   to perform a manoeuvre that’s not been
                                             page as the Federation.            tested or approved so embarking
                                                “Police officers should be able to   untrained on an untested manoeuvre is
                                             respond to emergencies without fear that   likely of itself to fall within this new
                                             they are going to face unfair      definition of careless or dangerous
                                             consequences,” he said.            driving,” Tim explained, “And, without
                                                “We remain concerned that the   amendment, the new legislation which
                                             current draft of the legislation may only   is intended to allow officers to assist the
       Shadow MP for policing Sarah Jones.   partially achieve the policy’s objective and   public in the many and varied situations
                                             may have some perverse results.    that they face could either leave them
       Sarah Jones, Labour’s shadow minister for      “We would like to reach the position   either reliant once more on the goodwill
       policing, has spoken out about the recent   where police drivers have the confidence   of the CPS and the IOPC to avoid
       pay freeze during the ministerial address to   to do the difficult job that we ask them to   prosecution.”
       online attendees at this year’s Roads Policing   do which is also balanced alongside public      The wording of the bill needed to be
       Conference.                           safety.”                           “tweaked”, said Tim, a move that had
          Criticising the Government’s decision to      He stressed that they did not want to   gained cross-party support.
       freeze the pay of officers earning more than   be left in a position where there was      Tim’s arguments were supported by
       £24,000, Ms Jones said she was “ashamed”   ambiguity over which cases are referred to   barrister Mark Aldred who said it was
       of that action, before pledging her   the IOPC and that there was an     hugely important that the Government
       commitment in getting officers the rise they   opportunity within the legislation to   got the legislation right so that police
       deserved.                             remove that ambiguity.             officers had the tools they needed to do
          “I am ashamed you have been offered a      Earlier in the session, Tim Rogers,   their job and protect the public.
       pay freeze – you need a pay rise. I also know   deputy secretary at West Midlands Police      The bill is currently being considered
       the process of not getting vaccines was   Federation and national Federation lead   in the House of Lords and the Federation
       really painful. I am sorry that was not done   on pursuits and driver training, thanked   is hoping it will be remitted back to the
       for you.                              all partners who had made the      House of Commons for amendment.
          “A pay freeze is in effect a pay cut, due to   Federation’s campaign for legislative      Other speakers during the session
       things like inflation,” she said, “It’s not   change a reality.          included Terry Woods, Deputy Chief
       acceptable.”                             The Police, Crime, Sentencing and   Constable at Greater Manchester Police
          Ms Jones also paid tribute to the   Courts Bill, he said, made the changes   and driving lead on the National Police
       fantastic work done on the roads during the   required a reality but outlined that it   Chiefs’ Council, and Tracey Catling from
       pandemic, saying: “I want to thank all road   needed to be amended to allow drivers to   the Police Powers Unit at the Home
       police officers for the work that you do. It’s   act instinctively.      Office.
       an incredibly important job and the cuts to      The bill meant police drivers would no      A poll of delegates revealed that 92
       your numbers have had a significant impact.   longer be judged by the standards of the   per cent felt the law should change to
       We will be holding the Government’s feet to   careful and competent driver but by the   take into account the need for
       the fire over this.”                  standards of a competent police drivers   professionally trained police drivers to
          She also discussed the Police, Crime,   who had undertaken the same level of   react instinctively to the incidents they
       Sentencing and Courts Bill and the proposed   training.                  are dealing with, even if these fall
       changes to legislation which would create a      This, he pointed out, still left them at   outside their training.
       new standard for road officers to be judged   risk of prosecution since it was clearly not      And 87 per cent felt driving outside
       in a court setting.                   possible to train officers for every   training and policy could mean officers
          “The legislation isn’t quite there yet,” she   situation that they may come across and   are automatically judged to have not
       said, “And I don’t feel protection is in place   therefore they would inevitably act   been careful.
       for officers and their mental health.”                                      federation  October/November 2021      21
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