Page 23 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
P. 23

Better support  launched the              More tests and levelled

       Services Trauma                     enforcement needed across
       Programme                           the UK to tackle drug driving
       (ESTIMP) in April
       this year. The
       focuses on early intervention.
          The service was first piloted in Thames
       Valley Police and was rolled out more widely
       after its success.
          Oscar Kilo is also delivering a
       psychological risk management programme
       to coincide with this to help forces reduce the
       risk of psychological ill-health within the
          Liz Eades, Oscar Kilo occupational health
       adviser, said: “We know policing is a
       demanding job. I don’t think you can be a
       police officer and not expect to have some
       psychological detriment, so we have to
       manage officers’ health and monitor that.”

                                           Speakers taking part in the conference session.
                                           A panel of key stakeholders agreed that a   synthetic oral fluid for evidential drug-
                                           different approach must be taken to tackle   driving offences, said she was very interested
                                           drug-driving more effectively and efficiently.  in alternative matrices for evidential testing
                                              The CPD-approved session “Safer roads   in different populations.
                                           – drug driving”, featured input from forensic      She continued, echoing David’s
                                           toxicologist Dr Simon Elliott, David Davies,   comments surrounding reoffending, adding:
                                           executive director of the Parliamentary   “Repeat offenders seem to be a big concern.”
                                           Advisory Council for Transport Safety,      Prof Wolff also added that she believes
                                           Professor Max Cameron from Monash    there should be a similar high-risk offender
                                           University Accident Research Centre,   scheme for those who drug-drive, as those
                                           Australia, Professor Kim Wolff from King’s   who drink-drive – something she is working
                                           College, London, and David Snelling, policy   very closely with the DfT on.
                                           team Leader at the Department for Transport      Dr Elliott explained how legislation
                                           (DfT).                               changes in the last six years have seen “a sea
       Police Federation national chair John Apter.
                                              David opened the session by highlighting   change in how forensic toxicology has been
       criminals, the dangerous vehicles, the   some key road safety issues, stating that   used within policing”.
       anti-social use of vehicles, the drink and drug   nearly half of drug-drive offences are by      He added: “This is to the extent that 80
       drivers - any different from any other.  people reoffending.             per cent of all forensic toxicology requests
          “We need specialist officers to do that so      He continued: “We may be catching   are in relation to roads policing, and that
       it is about priorities. I have always said that   people but we’re not preventing them from   includes drugs and alcohol.
       you invest in people. You want dedicated,   reoffending. We want enforcement to be      “Of this, 80 per cent of all of submissions
       fully-trained roads policing officers who are   levelled up across the UK.”  are specifically related to drugs. Nearly three
       intrusive, challenging and tackling the      David explained that drug-related   quarters of all cases where drugs are
       travelling criminals - they are getting them   fatalities have increased over time, but   detected involve cannabis or cocaine.
       disqualified, they are finding other offences   added: “There are about 250 drink-drive      “If you put that into context, our entire
       and working alongside those in investigation   casualties every year – what we don’t know   forensic toxicology system is really dealing
       and response.                       yet is the same for drugs.           with two drugs – cannabis and cocaine.
          “If you want to tackle all of that and      “It is still an issue to know just how      “But is that actually what is happening?
       more, invest in your roads policing and you   much the incidents of drug-driving are   Or is that because road-side tests only test
       will get the results that you need.  growing. We still don’t have a good   for cannabis and cocaine?”
          “The sad thing is for some forces,   indication just how much impact this is
       certainly during austerity, roads policing was   having on death and injury. It’s certainly
       seen as nice to have rather than as essential   worrying.
       but roads policing is an essential - it works      “What we are lacking is data from the
       hand-in-hand with response, with    number of roadside tests. There appear to be
       investigations, with other specialist   forces which are not doing the same levels of
       departments so I would want to see an   enforcement, and we would encourage a
       investment in people to get the results we   levelling up.”
       want to see.”                          Professor Wolff, who is investigating                                      federation  October/November 2021       23
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