Page 28 - WMPF Federation Oct-Nov 2021-flip_Neat
P. 28

Critical care

       Officer praises

       counselling support

       from Federation


             n officer who has                     someone external, not everyone   talking to them,” she added.
             received support from                 has somebody they feel they can      Having experienced the service, she says
       Athe Welfare Support                        talk to – or want to talk to.  that programmes like these are “essential”
       Programme (WSP), an initiative                      “I self-sabotage a lot, but the   for officers.
       introduced by the Federation,               counselling sessions are helping      “Having the counselling has definitely
       has praised the service for                 me to understand why I do this   supported me when it comes to me
       playing a crucial part in                   and how I can prevent it going   returning to work,” she added.
       preparing her to return to                  forward.                         The WSP is a nationwide programme,
       work having been signed off sick.       “And the process was so fast, I contacted   which supports Federation members
          The West Midlands Police officer, who   another organisation, external to the police   throughout England and Wales. The service
       wishes to remain anonymous, has received   and they had a lead time of 16 weeks, so   is provided by Defence Medical Welfare
       regular counselling, provided by the WSP,   getting seen so quickly was brilliant.”  Service and is available to all subscribing
       due to her mental health and wellbeing.     She says that one of the many benefits   Federation members.
          Having contacted the Federation, she   that she felt receiving counselling through      The programme includes practical and
       was offered the counselling sessions and   the WSP had, is that they were familiar with   mental support, counselling, person-centred
       says they have really helped her get back on   how the police service works.  support, access to fully trained and
       track.                                  “I think it makes such a difference that   accredited professionals, confidential
          “The sessions offer a non-judgemental   the counsellor I have understands the police   support and referrals to follow-up specialist
       environment, where I can open up and be   and its processes, including all the rankings.   support if necessary.
       honest,” she says, “It’s great to talk to   It makes things a lot easier when you’re      Find out more.

          Thank                                          Thank

          Thanks to George          YOU                           “Please make sure not only George understands my
           A member supported by our conduct and performance lead   gratitude, but the Federation realises it has a real asset. All the
           George McDonnell has sent in a message of thanks to the   best.” Name withheld
           Federation office.
              The member wrote: “George was my Federation      And thanks to Rod
           representative throughout and was an absolute Godsend.  Message sent to workplace Federation representative Rod Rose
              “He was there to help, support and guide me from the   after he helped an officer on long-term sick.
           start, right up to the misconduct meeting. His experience and      I am emailing you to personally thank you for your help and
           knowledge, I believe, helped stop it being a final written   support with my current situation. I spoke at length with my
           warning.                                            sergeant yesterday and I feel so happy and relieved I can return
              “The Federation comes under fire from officers and alike,   to work and continue on my journey to learn and progress.
           but when you need them, and you’ve got someone like George      I really appreciate everything you did on my behalf.
           in your corner, you realise how invaluable you are.  Name withheld

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