Page 3 - WMPF Federation Aug-Sept 2020_Neat
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Welcome                           What’s inside

        Welcome to the August/September
        2020 edition of federation - the   04  Chair’s introduction             21  Retirement seminars re-start
        magazine for members of West       05  Office staff returning to        22  Virtual run aims to boost ACC’s
        Midlands Police Federation.
          We are always on the look-out for    Guardians House                     fund-raising appeal
        good news stories so please get in
        touch if you have  something to share   05  Force considers bonus for   23  Have your say on pay and
        with colleagues. It does not have to   tutors                              morale
        relate to your policing role – though
        we are definitely interested in hearing   06  Pay increase is a step in the   25  New policy on DSI
        about what’s going on around the       right direction says Fed chair
        Force. Do you have an interesting                                       25  Regs reminder: short notice
        hobby or perhaps you are involved in   09  Working group will consider     change to duties
        sport locally, as a player, a manager, a   pensions challenge
        coach?                                                                  25  Specials set to be allowed to
          Just get in touch and let us know.  09  Consultation on remedy           joind the Federation
          We would also be interested to hear
        what you would like to see featured in   10  Assaults on Police Employees   26  ‘Tough and tenacious’ - a
        your magazine.
                                               10 Point Plan                       tribute to former branch
        Cover photo: PC April Baker has                                            secretary Ernie and a life well
        joined the Force after volunteering   11  Mental impact of assaults has    led
        as a Special but her initial training   to be considered
        has been very different to what she                                     28  Benevolent Fund benefits
        expected. See Page 12 for her story.  11  Sentences could be doubled for   resume
                                               officer assaults
        Published by:
        XPR (UK) Ltd                                                            29  Survey reveals sleep
        Editor:                            12  New recruit April gives insight     deprivation
        John Nott, chair                       into training during the
        Deputy editor:                         pandemic                         29  Family Matters moves into the
        Chris Cooper,
        Member services team leader                                                virtual world        13  Roads policing ‘inadequate’
        Design and sub-editing:                                                 30  TFS adapts to pandemic
        XPR (UK) Ltd                       14  Root and branch overhaul
        Contact us:                            needed                           30  Dates set for online exam
        Guardians House,
        2111 Coventry Road,                14  Increased scrutiny               31  Helping the police family
        Sheldon, Birmingham,
        B26 3EA                            15  ’We need re-investment’          33  Get motoring with your
        Telephone:                                                                 Federation
        0121 752 4900                      15  Roads policing: have your say
        Email:                                                                  35  Treatment of police pensions          16  New Federation representative       on divorce                puts focus on fairness

        Federation is printed by XPR (UK) Ltd on behalf   17  George receives Chief   35  Federation seeks feedback on
        of West Midlands Police Federation.                                        women’s uniform
        The articles published do not necessarily reflect   Constable’s Award
        the views of the Branch Council. The editor
        reserves the right to reject or edit any material   18  ‘I knew I had to get out of
        Every care is taken to ensure that     policing’
        advertisements are accepted only from bona
        fide advertisers. The Police Federation cannot
        accept liability for losses incurred by any
        person as a result of a default on the part of an   Advertisers
        All material is copyright and may not be
        reproduced without the express permission of   02  McAlister, family law  32  NARPO, member services
        the editor.
                                           08  George Burrows, financial health check  32  Gorvins, police and family law
                                           20  George Burrows, RAC breakdown cover  33  Warren & Co, independent
                                           24  Police Insure, motor, home, motorcycle   mortgage advice
                                              and travel insurance              34  Slater & Gordon, family law
                                           30  Irwin Mitchell, family law       36  Slater & Gordon, police law
                                           31  First Call Financial, independent
                                              mortgage advice                                       federation August/September 2020      03
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