Page 5 - WMPF Federation April-May2021_Neat
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       this further or perhaps you want to find out  126,172          The number of people to have died in the UK in the
       then you are definitely ideally placed to take
                                                                      12 months since the first national lockdown was
       more about Police Regulations, the conduct                     announced.
       processes, health and safety, equality and
       other issues.                         £90,000                  The target in an appeal for life-changing surgery for
          Many of the officers who become reps                        Macy Handley, the daughter of two West Midlands
       do so because they have been supported by                      Police officers.
       the Federation in the past. They are grateful
       for the help they received, know the
       difference having someone to turn to made,   5,000             The number of kit bags sewn and donated to police
       and want to give something back                                officers and staff by a team of ‘sewing angels’.
    “          From helping with                         100          The distance for the Back on the Beat cycling sportive to

                                                                      raise funds for the Police Treatment Centres.
               flexible working
               arrangements to
               providing                                    60        The average number of hours a month Special Constable
                                                                      and nurse Iain Hulbert has given to the Force.
               signposting                                  26

               towards                                                The date when the Police Treatment Centres will re-
                                                                      open to subscribing members.
               organisations that
               can offer tailored

               support, the                Federation support for

               Federation is here          Day of Reflection
               for officers 24/7

                                                                                   “It was important for us to come
               and 365 days                West Midlands Police Federation supported     together to remember all those who have
                                           the National Day of Reflection.
                                              The event, on Tuesday 23 March, marked
               a year.                       a year to the date that Prime Minister Boris   died during the pandemic and to show our
                                                                                support for their families,” says Jon Nott,
                                           Johnson told everyone to stay at home   chair of West Midlands Police Federation.
                                           when announcing a national lockdown to      “There cannot be many people who
          But there are others who put themselves   try to halt the spread of Covid-19.  have not been affected in some way by the
       forward to bring about changes to the way      At midday, a minute’s silence was   pandemic so I am sure most people spent
       in which their branch works.        observed to remember all those who have   some time on the day reflecting on all that
          Whatever the members’ motivation, I   lost their lives during the pandemic. The   has happened in the last 12 months.”
       think it is critically important for the   UK’s official death toll stands at more than      Jon has also encouraged officers and
       Federation and for the wider membership   126,000.                       police staff who have dealt with
       that as many people as possible stand in the      Led by national charity Marie Curie, the   bereavement, at work or in their home
       elections. That way, we get the very best   Day of Reflection included a ‘beacon of light’   lives, to seek support if they need it.
       representation for members.         at 8pm with people standing on their      “The Federation can provide access to
          The Federation provides full training for   doorsteps or at their windows while shining   a wide range of support services so please
       the role, including an initial reps’ course by   a light from a candle, torch or mobile   do not be afraid to come forward if you
       way of an introduction to what it entails and   phone.                   feel you are struggling,” he said.
       specialist courses in media training, conduct,
       health and safety and so on.
          So, please take the time to speak to your
       own Federation representatives about their
       experiences in the role, visit the Reps@Work
       pages under the ‘About us’ section at polfed.
       org/westmids and feel free to contact me or
       the other branch officials to find out more.
          We have featured rep profiles in previous
       editions of this magazine too and you can
       find links to these publications under the
       ‘News’ section of our website.                                                 federation April/May 2021      05
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