Page 21 - WMPF Federation FEB-MAR 2022_Neat
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Toolkit for

       separated parents

       By Lucy Todd, family law               Our tips are:                     l  Ensure the children are not placed in a
       associate solicitor - Irwin         l  Champion the principle that it is in the best   position to manipulate one parent against
       Mitchell, Birmingham                   interests of the children to have a   the other.
                                              meaningful and secure relationship with   l  Endeavour to communicate reasonably and
           ntering a New Year                 each parent (subject to there being no   properly with the other parent in respect
           presents us all with               safeguarding concerns e.g. issues relating   of arrangements relating to their
       Ethe opportunity to                    to violence, abuse etc).             children and show proper respect to one
       make New Year’s resolutions         l  Acknowledge the children are to be treated   another.
       and to commit to putting in place time in our   as important individuals with unique   l  Never attempt to discuss the
       calendars for us to look forward to in the year   feelings, ideas and desires and not as a   arrangements via the children. These are
       ahead.                                 source of arguments between parents.  adult issues and the children should be
          As family solicitors, it is during the periods   l  Never denigrate the other parent in the   protected from them.
       ahead of school holiday time that we tend to   presence or hearing of the children.  l  Remember that children require routine,
       see a spike in child arrangement disputes,   l  Never seek to undermine the other parent’s   stability and consistency. It is important
       reflective of our clients’ desire to take their   position as the child’s parent.  that they feel secure in the
       children away on holiday or to spend extra   l  Actively encourage the knowledge and   arrangements made.
       time with them outside their usual     appreciation of what is good in each   l  Understand that to expose the children
       arrangements. This can cause conflict between   parent.                     to adult conflict may contribute to the
       separated parents, particularly where   l  Permit the children to express their love   risk of the children suffering long-term
       communications are strained.           and affection for the absent parent. This   emotional and psychological damage.
          With the above in mind, we have prepared   will enable the children to feel that they   Should you require any guidance or support
       the following guidance, aimed at separated   have the emotional permission to love both   from a legal perspective during the summer
       parents in a bid to reduce tension and provide   parents, and avoid them fearing the other   period, then Irwin Mitchell has a wealth of
       a useful aide memoir as to how best to achieve   parent’s disapproval which will, in turn,   experienced family law practitioners who
       constructive and positive communications to   permit the children to relax and enjoy their   will be able and happy to help.
       facilitate solutions that all parties are happy   time with the other parent.
       with.                                                                    Contact Lucy Todd:
          The aim is to enable parents to positively                            0121 203 5566 / 07592 121001
       co-parent, which will undoubtedly be in the                    
       best interests of the children involved.                       

          FREE family law surgeries

         Family law specialists from legal firm Irwin Mitchell are offering
         free consultations to members of West Midlands Police   Consultations are available on:
            The firm said initial consultations with members would be   l   16 February 2022  l   17 August 2022
         free of charge with a 10 per cent discount on the fees from and   l   16 March 2022  l   14 September 2022
         any further meetings.                                    l   13 April 2022    l   12 October 2022
            It has released a series of dates for legal surgeries at
         Guardians House and requires members to pre-book         l   11 May 2022      l   16 November 2022
         consultations by contacting Lucy Todd on her direct mobile   l   15 June 2022  l   14 December 2022.
         07592 121001 or emailing her at  l   13 July 2022

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