Page 11 - WMPF December-January Magazine.url_Neat
P. 11

Officers urged                                                              Force has

      to keep their                                                               recruited

                                                                                  almost 300
      own insurers                                                                The Force had recruited 292 extra
                                                                                  extra officers

      informed                                                                    officers through the Government’s
                                                                                  uplift programme by the end of
                                                                                  September this year, according to

                                                                                    Government statistics issued today.
                                                                                     West Midlands Police was given a
                                                                                  Year 1 allocation of 366 officers as part
                                                                                  of the Government’s plans to recruit
                                                                                  20,000 more officers over a three-year
                                                                                     “Given that the Force had to pretty
                                                                                  much start from a standstill with this
                                                                                  recruitment process given the years of
                                                                                  austerity when recruiting came to a
                                                                                  halt, it is steadily making up ground
                                                                                  and is well on the way to reaching its
                                                                                  target for the first year,” says Steve
                                                                                  Grange, secretary of West Midlands
                                                                                  Police Federation.
                                                                                     “Of course, we welcome these
                                                                                  additional officers but it will be some
                                                                                  time before we truly start to see their
                                                                                  impact in terms of sharing the
             fficers are being reminded of their   Police Federation and national Federation   workload.
             obligation to report accidents that   lead on pursuits and police driver training.     “During the budget cuts, officers
       Oarise from incidents while driving      “The Federation secured this agreement   were stretched to the limit, meeting
       police vehicles to their own insurance   back in 2013/4 which was most welcome.   increased demand with reduced
       companies.                          Many of us are all too aware of the impact   resources, and we now need to see a
          Due to improved sharing of information   any disclosed claim can have on our own   sustained and consistent recruitment
       between insurers, some officers have been   private insurance premiums.    programme so that we can get our
       encountering difficulties when renewing or      “Through the better sharing of   numbers back to where they should be
       applying for car insurance because a claim   information between insurance companies,   if we are to provide a high quality
       has been recorded on the Claims and   however, it is now apparent that officers   policing service for our communities.”
       Underwriting Exchange (CUE) personal   are being challenged by their insurers for      National Federation chair John
       injury database.                    not having disclosed accidents by definition   Apter, responding to the Government’s
          Any recorded incident in which   under the Road Traffic Act 1988.”      update on the uplift, said more needs
       someone is injured or damage occurs will      Tim cites one example of such a   to be done to attract new police
       be stored on the database which means   challenge: officer on a P1 call using blue   recruits with previous life experience
       when an officer seeks a personal car   lights and two tones comes to a line of   and those from military or public sector
       insurance quote, this information will be   traffic, in a parting of the waves moment, a   backgrounds.
       populated automatically.            member of the public mounts the           He explained: “To have a healthy
          Therefore officers should contact their   pavement and, through no fault of the   mix of new recruits with life experience
       insurer if they are involved in any such   officer, collides with a lamp post. This   is good for policing and essential. We
       incident and should declare them when   currently is a disclosable accident.  will continue to raise this point with
       seeking a quote for a new policy.      He adds: “We see this as grossly unfair   the Home Office. As the programme
          An agreement from the Association of   and are again actively seeking a further   continues, it is also vital for the service
       British Insurers means officers do not have   exemption to report in circumstances   to be more representative and reflect
       to report incidents while driving a police   pertaining to driver tactics such as the   the communities we serve. More needs
       vehicle in circumstances where “tactical   example given here. You are obliged though   to be done to recruit officers from
       options” were performed.            at this time to report collisions in work   Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic
          “It was agreed that this was not an   vehicles to your own insurance companies.  backgrounds.
       accident since it was part of the range of      Tim is also urging the Force to better      “While good progress has been
       options and tactics available to police   communicate this vulnerability to officers.  made, we need to continue to do all we
       drivers which enables them to protect the      “It’s reasonable for officers to assume   can to ensure policing is an attractive
       public. It was deemed unfair to have an   their liability doesn’t go this far and the   profession for all members of the
       officer penalised for doing this,” says Tim   Force has an obligation to inform them   communities we serve.”
       Rogers, deputy secretary of West Midlands   about this,” he explained.                                federation December 2020/January 2021       11
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