Page 6 - WMPF December-January Magazine.url_Neat
P. 6

A message

       from the Chief


       I think we are all looking back at 2020 as   restrictions on liberty ever imposed.
       something of a blur.                    I am so proud of what you have done
          This year we have all been through what   and how you have done it. Common sense
       would have been unthinkable to us all last   policing, sound planning, good humour
       Christmas. The initial lockdown featured   and a firm but friendly style has seen us
       rainbow pictures, clapping for carers and   navigate these times. It has been a team
       deserted streets.  The end of Lockdown 1 was   game.
       a relief and, as we built back, the autumn      The amazing work to ensure you have
       and winter spikes have hit us hard. We are   the right PPE was incredible, the hard work
       missing family, friends and this year will see   of our trace teams, the work on creating
       none of the celebrating we do as teams.   Covid secure work places and the
       Coming together as colleagues, brothers and   distribution of IT has made it all possible.   children and our elderly may see less of their
       sisters is so much of what makes policing a   We have also had to carry on providing   families. As a Force, we are making a big
       family.                              normal business as violence and crimes   charitable Christmas push. I hope you can all
          In policing we fight short battles and not   like domestic abuse have soared. Well   join in so we can continue to help those in
       long wars. This is a long war and it has   done. As this returns to a new normal, I   need at this special time.
       required us to be thoughtful on how we keep   shall be looking at how we recognise these      Have a great Christmas… and we really
       the public on track with these restrictions.   achievements.             do need a ‘Happy New Year’.
       We have been asked to do something we      Finally, this Christmas will be one of
       have never done since our founding in 1829;   hardship for those who have lost jobs, it   By Dave Thompson, Chief Constable of West
       police the most extreme personal     will mean Christmas is frugal for many   Midlands Police

          Public sector pay

          freeze ‘disgraceful’

               ewarding the police officers and other public sector      “We are currently in the midst of the largest-scale
               workers who led the nation’s response to the pandemic   recruitment process for many years, after almost a decade of
          Rwith a pay freeze is disgraceful, says West Midlands   falling officer numbers due to Government funding cuts, but
          Police Federation chair Jon Nott.                     how are we going to attract the right calibre of recruits when
             The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced during a Spending   officer pay is becoming less and less attractive, particularly
          Review statement, on 25 November that most public sector   when you consider the very real dangers police face on the
          workers would be subjected to a pay freeze.           streets?”
             “Police officers have been on the frontline throughout the      Incremental pay rises are unaffected by the pay freeze.
          pandemic, not only putting their own health at risk but also      National Federation chair John Apter has also condemned
          knowing that they could be taking the virus back to their own   the Chancellor’s announcement.
          families,” says Jon.                                     On the day of the Spending Review, he said: “I appreciate
             “They have had to adapt to changes to Government   the devil will be in the detail, but the headlines from today’s
          guidelines over and over again and then work with their   announcement do nothing to show appreciation to police
          communities to encourage people to work within those   officers and other public sector workers who have kept the
          restrictions.                                         wheels turning during 2020.”
             “They have given their all and yet this appears to have been      John added: “A handful of officers will get the additional
          totally ignored by the Government. This is going to be a further   £250 for the lowest paid workers, but only those who are
          blow to officers who have suffered 18 per cent cuts to their pay   already on an appallingly low starting salary for the
          in real terms during the austerity years.             dangerous job they do.”

       06       federation December 2020/January 2021                   
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