Page 4 - WMPF December-January Magazine.url_Neat
P. 4

Chair’s introduction

       2020: what a

       year it has been

                                            on the frontline throughout the pandemic   universal. We have still encountered people
                                            who deserve the real praise; the police   who have not wanted to comply with the
                                            officers and the police staff. But I also want   Government restrictions and where this has
                                            to recognise the police volunteers. I know a   been the case we have had to rely on the
                                            number of Specials put in extra hours of   four Es of engage, explain, encourage and, as
                                            their own time to support the Force and   a last resort, enforce.
                                            their communities and they should be      While there was a reduction in crime
                                            commended for this.                 during the first lockdown, there was an
                                               All these people, certainly in the early   increase in the number of assaults on police
                                            days of the lockdown, were pretty much   officers and, one of the most shocking
                                            facing the unknown and yet they got on   things for me has been the way in which
                                            with their jobs, did what they could to help   some individuals have sought to weaponise
                                            protect the public from Covid-19 while also   the virus by spitting and coughing over
                                            carrying out their usual duties.    officers while claiming to have Covid. Crime
                                               They knew they were putting their   has now returned to more normal levels too.
                                            health at risk, because so much of policing      I want to put on record my thanks to all
                                            cannot be done in a socially distanced   officers, staff and volunteers for their
                                            manner, but they also had in the back of   commitment to policing during 2020. It has
                                            their minds that they could pick up the virus   definitely been a tough year both for those
                                            and unwittingly take it back to their loved   on the frontline and those who have had to
                                            ones. Some officers took the difficult   adapt to working from home. While I am
       By Jon Nott, chair of West Midlands Police   decision to move out of home so that they   sure those home-working appreciate that
       Federation                           didn’t put vulnerable family members at risk.  they have not faced the same risks to their
                                               So many of our Force team went above   health, they have had their own challenges.
          t’s now just over a year since I became   and beyond to ensure that they could   Working from home with young children is
          the Federation chair. And what a year it   continue to serve their communities, fight   not easy and neither is working from a
       Ihas been.                           and prevent crime, keep order, protect the   dining room table in the midst of family life.
          Of course, I came into the role knowing   vulnerable, and, in addition, encourage   The lack of separation between home and
       there would be a number of challenges to   people to abide by the Government   work can be particularly difficult in policing.
       face, the ongoing issues around police   restrictions. It is also worth saying here that   There are some things you need to leave at
       pensions being top of that list, but more   the seemingly ever-changing restrictions   the office and I know that has taken its toll.
       about that later.                    – which officers had to try to understand      When taking on the chair’s role, I knew
          However, while I am sure I hit the ground   and then work with the public to follow –   that there was a lot of anger and frustration
       running and soon adapted to the life of a   added to the challenges they faced.  within the membership around the pensions
       full-time Federation official, just like almost      The public got behind us and a recent   issue and it was something I was keen to
       everyone else I was unprepared for   survey has shown that they have largely   address.

       terms of ensuring that officers and staff had “ So many of our Force team went above and
                                                                                   While we all accept that we cannot
                                            supported our efforts. But this has not been
       everything being turned upside down when
       the pandemic struck.

          When the first lockdown was
       announced, the Force acted swiftly to enable
                                                     beyond to ensure that they could continue to
       as many people as was practical and possible
                                                     serve their communities, fight and prevent
       to work from home, buying more than 1,000
       laptops, for example. It was also prompt in
       access to the personal protective equipment   crime, keep order, protect the vulnerable, and,
       (PPE) they needed.                            in addition, encourage people to abide by the
          I am keen to acknowledge that the Force    Government restrictions.
       responded well as the crisis unfolded.
          However, I think it’s those who have been                                             “

       04       federation December 2020/January 2021                    
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