Page 6 - 9th Grade Flipbook 2022-2023_Neat
P. 6

Grading Information

     Progress Reports

                We ask that students and parents stay up to date with grades through our eClass system. We will
                send reminders to check grades at 6 & 12 weeks into each semester. At week 9 we will ask parents
                to electronically sign off that they have checked their student’s grades. This will be available through
                our website, email, and the Mill Creek app.

     Report Cards

                Report cards for the fall semester will be mailed home in mid-January. Report cards for the spring
                semester will be mailed home  in June. Students will receive a total of 8 report cards in 4 years of
                high  school.

     Final Exams

                Students will take semester final exams in December and May. There are two parts to all final exams,
                a performance exam and a multiple-choice ex am. Both of these exam grades together comprise 20%
                of the student’s overall semester grade. The performance finals are administered during a  regular
                class period, usually at the beginning of December and the end of April. The multiple-choice portion
                of the exams is administered the last 4  days of each semester (students will report to school from
                7:15-11:45 on the  last three days). Students are provided 2 hours to take each multiple-choice  exam.
                An exam will be administered in every course a student takes. Beginning in August look for
                announcements on the school web page, the Mill Creek Cluster Connection mobile app, and our
                social media (Facebook and Twitter) with exact dates for final exams.
     Grading Systems

                A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 74-79 D = 70-73  Students will only receive credit for grades 70 and above.

     Make-up Work

                When a student has an excused absence, he or she has five school days to  make up missed work or
                at least make arrangements for making up work. A student who has been suspended will be given
                the opportunity to make up  work missed. Suspended students should access teachers’ eClass pages
                to  obtain daily class assignments. The five-day make-up rule does not apply to long-standing due
                dates on assignments such as: term papers, projects, literary works, and in some cases test/exams.
                In those cases it is generally expected that the student would turn in the assignment on the first day
                back  to school.

     Incomplete Grades

                Incompletes are not assigned in high school.  If a student has missed an assignment due to an
                excused absence, a grade of zero will be averaged in the place of the missing grade until the student
                makes up the work. According to GCPS policy, students have five days to complete work or make
                other arrangements granted by the teacher.  All pre-assigned work will be due on the day of a
                student’s return from an absence.
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