Page 18 - cabin brochure FEB 2023 for
P. 18
The following are pricing for some of the more popular upgrades and
changes. These are es mates are for reference only.
Basements: (Slab construc on is included in the home prices.)
Costs for both finished & un-finished basements also include the floor
framing system for the first floor, stairway, ligh ng, front wall framing,
Styrofoam insula on, perimeter stud wall w/fiberglass insula on and
drywall. We have NOT included the cost of excava ng.
Unfinished walk-out (average cost): $48,000
Finished walk-out w/family room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom & u lity
room, drywall on walls & ceiling, doors, flooring, pa o door and
windows (average cost): $86,000
6x6 mber retaining walls: $1500
Actual cost of basements must be calculated for each specific
Windows: (price includes installa on & trim)
(4) tall rectangular gable windows: $2500
Triangular gable windows: $4500
Addi onal windows : (example: 6’wx4’h): $800
Pa o door: $1400
Roof extension w/decora ve brace:$950
Roof over doorway:$950
Extra bathroom: (average cost): $8000
Siding: (T-1-11 plywood is included in the cost of the homes)
Wavy edge cedar: $9500
Cedar 1x8 lap siding: $10,000
2x8 log siding:$10,500
3x10 log siding: $15,000
Raised decks and pa os: (These are example prices...we can build any
Deck w/treated wood framing and railings 16’x12’: $7400
Stairway to grade w/railings: $800
On grade treated wood pa o 12’x18’: $3500
24x24 garage: $21,000 to $24,000 (average)
Fireplaces: See sec on under “Fireplaces” on page 11
Air-condi oning: $3200 to $3900
These are rough, average es mates Actual cost of changes &
upgrades must be calculated for each specific home.