Page 19 - cabin brochure FEB 2023 for
P. 19

Why Our Cabin/Homes
                            Are So Affordable…

        Offsite Pre-Cu ng/On Site Assembly
        Using detailed, computer generated drawings, we are able to pre-cut
        and layout the en re house at our indoor facili es before delivery to the
        job-site.  Once at the job-site, rapid assembly of the precut components
        takes place and the
        resul ng house is simply more accurate and
        be er built.  The real benefit however is
        the labor savings.  Our homes are cut,         19 7/16 "    169 11/16 "
        framed and built in a frac on of                27 "         136 13/16 "
                                                                     126 3/16 "
        the normal  me.  Our                29 15/16 "  29 11/16 "  133 3/16 "  5 1/2 "  102 7/8 "
                                                                     118 1/8 "
        substan al labor        127 5/16 " 151 13/16 "  18.4 D  98 15/16 "  104 11/16 "  77 13/16 " 56 3/16 "
                                                                      68 15/16 "
                                124 1/8 "
        savings cost are      76 11/16 "  102 "  43 1/8 "  64 3/16 "  70 7/16 "  84 1/4 "  35 "
        passed on to you!   26 1/16 " 40 5/16 " 51 3/8 "  27 7/8 "  50 "  223 7/16 "
                                 11 7/8 "  28 5/8 "  78 "  78 "
                                       7 1/4 "  143 15/16 "  7 1/4 "
        Pre-finishing of             72 "  126 "  127 "  134 3/4 "  128 15/16 "
        materials at our   87 1/4 "  99 1/2 "  80 7/8 "  105 11/16 "  78 1/2 "
        indoor facili es…                            72 "        114 3/4 "
        Wall paneling,               31 3/8 "       23 "             42 3/4 " 23 1/4 "
        ceilings, flooring,         144 "                  240 "
        window trim, stairs,              FRONT WALL FRAMING DRAWING
        doors, cabinets, window shelves and most other components are
        completely finished at our facili es before being delivered to the job-
        site.  This method is not only faster but it allows us to stay on schedule
        regardless of the weather.  When faced with inclement weather, we
        simply work at our shop pre-finishing various components.  We rarely
        loose  me because of bad weather.

        Efficiency of Design…
        Our home/cabins are designed from the ground up for maximum
        efficiency of construc on.  For example, plumbing is generally laid out to
        maximize simplicity and  hea ng systems use very li le ductwork yet
        heat is distributed evenly.

        Over the years we’ve built many of these cabin/homes.  With each home
        we further improve the efficiency of the construc on.
        There is no subs tute for experience!


             If you are looking for an affordable, old- me style
              home/cabin with lots of unique “Northwoods”
                         character...Look No Further!


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