Page 28 - PMB-2018-Catalog-WEB-3
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sons of pa fortitude & free spirit
Over the years, several customers have asked why we do not make coming three-year-old bulls
available. They point out that they are in their breeding prime, are experienced, are less susceptible to
injury, and will cover more cows thus lowering customers per cow breeding cost.
Why Indeed? The only answer is until now, we never thought of it!
Effective with this sale, you will find some of the top bulls from last year available to you again.
Be sure to look for your favorites!
pmb fortitude k502 pmb free spirit k552
LOT Station 18361 Reg. 18310193 Calved: 2/2/15 LOT Station 18378 Reg. 18312590 Calved: 2/27/15
105 Perf Data PMB $ Values 107 Perf Data PMB $ Values
GAR-EGL Protege # BW 85 Angus Individual S A V Free Spirit 8164 # BW 70 Angus Individual
Pa FortitUDe 2500 R WW 110 89.63 $TSWC 102.78 PMB Free sPirit s206 A R WW 109 89.63 $TSWC 96.82
G G Clara 0171 T YW 102 15.31 $FL 20.23 PMB New Look Lady 7042 T YW 99 15.31 $FL 20.43
Bon View New Design 1407 # O Fin Perf 103 32.65 $Grid 29.40 S A V Final Answer 0035 # O Fin Perf 101 32.65 $Grid 29.40
silver PlUMe elBa 578U # SC 44 137.59 $ Total Profit 152.41 PMB Final answer 1112 SC 42 137.59 $ Total Profit 146.65
Silver Plume Elba 578U Silver Plume Treasure P20Q
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 15,241.00 P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 14,665.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid) CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
6 1.5 56 23 95 Individual EPDs EPD EPD% 10 -0.3 53 25 92 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
50 55 30 55 40 EPD Percentile RADG 0.25 25 20 20 40 40 45 EPD Percentile RADG 0.22 40
6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI -2.71 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI -0.31
pmb fortitude k512 pmb free spirit k541
LOT Station 18395 Reg. 18310197 Calved: 2/5/15 LOT Station 18392 Reg. 18312589 Calved: 2/15/15
106 Perf Data PMB $ Values 108 Perf Data PMB $ Values
GAR-EGL Protege # BW 60 Angus Individual S A V Free Spirit 8164 # BW 90 Angus Individual
Pa FortitUDe 2500 R WW 98 89.63 $TSWC 90.13 PMB Free sPirit s206 A R WW 107 89.63 $TSWC 98.47
G G Clara 0171 T YW 92 15.31 $FL 43.47 PMB New Look Lady 7042 T YW 112 15.31 $FL 21.13
PMB Mr RFI-KCR O Fin Perf 91 32.65 $Grid 29.40 PMB Mr RFI-KCR O Fin Perf 120 32.65 $Grid 29.40
silver PlUMe sUe 0102 SC 42 137.59 $ Total Profit 163.00 silver PlUMe lUCy 1059 SC 44 137.59 $ Total Profit 149.00
Silver Plume Sue 399A PMB 1418 Lucy 580E #
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 16,300.00 P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 14,900.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid) CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
10 -0.1 47 16 86 Individual EPDs EPD EPD% 0 4.1 54 26 103 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
20 20 65 95 60 EPD Percentile RADG 0.29 10 90 95 40 30 25 EPD Percentile RADG 0.28 15
6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI NT 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI -0.22
pmb free spirit k571
LOT Station 18402 Reg. 18312597 Calved: 4/11/15
109 Perf Data PMB $ Values
S A V Free Spirit 8164 # BW 70 Angus Individual
PMB Free sPirit s206 A R WW 104 89.63 $TSWC 77.90
PMB New Look Lady 7042 T YW 101 15.31 $FL 41.39
PMB Mr RFI-KCR O Fin Perf 95 32.65 $Grid 29.40
silver PlUMe Diane 0099 SC 46 137.59 $ Total Profit 148.69
Silver Plume Queen 413I
P or V P 13,759.00 Lifetime 14,869.00
EPDs Carcass EPDs Feed Efficiency
CED BW WW Milk YW (See $Grid)
7 0.0 41 21 72 Individual EPDs EPD EPD%
45 20 80 70 85 EPD Percentile RADG 0.22 40
SAV Free Spirit 8164 - This heavily used Genex stud bull 6 1.4 50 24 89 Avg. Angus EPDs Test RFI 1.92
is the sire of PMB Free Spirit S206. • HBC
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