Page 17 - March 2021 Parker County 4-H Connection
P. 17

4 - H   F O O D   A N D   N U T R I T I O N

   Potatoes: Grow, Buy, Store, Use

   Josh · Jan 22, 2020

   Grow it:                                                      Use it:
   Varieties:  The most common varieties are Red LaSoda and      Cheese Broccoli Ranch Mashed Potatoes
   Kennebec.                                                     Ingredients
                                                                    3 medium russet potatoes

   Fertilizing: Potatoes need adequate fertilizing early in the season.   1 1/2 cups frozen broccoli florets
    Apply most of the fertilizer just before planting.              3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese
                                                                    6 Tbsp low-fat ranch dressing
   Planting: Purchase “seed potatoes” from your local nursery. Cut the  3/4 cup low-fat milk
   potatoes into quarters. Each quarter should contain at least one  salt and pepper
   bud or “eye.”
                                                                  1. Wash your hands and clean your cooking area
   Watering: During growth, keep the soil moisture supply constant.
                                                                  2. Scrub and peel potatoes.
                                                                  3. Place whole potatoes in a large, microwave-safe bowl.
   Harvesting: Potatoes are ready to harvest when the tops begin to
   die.  Small “new potatoes” can be harvested during the growing  4. Add frozen broccoli on top.
                                                                    Completely cover bowl with microwave-safe plate.
   season by carefully digging beside the plant with your fingers.  To  Microwave for 12 min. on high or until the potatoes are
   harvest potatoes, dig under the plants with a shovel or spading  tender.
   fork. Raise the plants and shake away the soil.  Pull the potatoes  6. Use a towel or oven safe gloves to carefully take off plate
   from the vines and handle them carefully to prevent damage.      and remove bowl from microwave. Use extra caution to
   Damaged potatoes do not store well.
                                                                    avoid steam.
                                                                  7. Use potato masher to break up the potatoes and broccoli.
   Buy it:                                                        8. Stir in cheese, ranch dressing, and milk.
   All potato varieties should be clean, firm, smooth, dry, and uniform  9. Add salt and pepper to taste.
   in size.                                                      10. You can top the potato mixture with sprinkled cheese.

   Store it:
   Store potatoes in a cool, dark, well ventilated place for use within
   3 to 5 weeks.

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