Page 20 - March 2021 Parker County 4-H Connection
P. 20
4 - H P H O T O G R A P H Y
Parker Co. 4-H Photography Contest
Click Here for the Rules and Guidelines
Entries Due: March 8, 2021 - Deadline has been Extended
Photo Entry Method:
Participation and Photo Eligibility: County: Click Here to Enter
Grades: Photo must be taken by
participants between the dates of
Clover : 5 years of age to 8 Ratio and Size
January 1, 2020 and the time of
and not in the 3rd grade. entry. Photos may be submitted One of most important aspects of
only one time and in only one the photography project is
Junior: 8 and in the 3rd grade- category. learning about camera settings,
5th grade for the current ratios, and photo resolution.
school year. Photo Format: Volunteer leaders and 4-H
Must be .jpeg, .jpg, or .png.
members are encouraged to
Intermediate: 6th grade Contestants may use any file include a lesson on this
naming structure.
through 8th grade for the topic in their project
current school year. experiences.
Entry Fees: • Size Ratio: Must be 3:2 (4”X6”)
County Fee: Free or 5:4 (8”x10”) ratio (either
Senior: 9th grade through
District Fee (jr. int,): $2/photo landscape or portrait).
12th grade for the current
State Entry Fee (Seniors only): • File Size: Photo must be a
school year. $10/photo minimum of 1MB and a
maximum of 10MB.
Registration Deadlines: • Tips: Upload the highest
resolution possible. Review your
County: February 22, 2021 photo at 100% size before
District: April 2nd (Qualifying)
State: April 15, 2021 (Qualifying)
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