Page 21 - OctoberMag2024.10.8.2024
P. 21

Ss. Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Church
          endIcott, nY

          Can & Bottle Drive
          Sponsored and organized by the     to collect and return refundable
          Ss. Peter and Paul Church, the     cans and bottles, rounding up
          second Can & Bottle Drive of 2024,   to a sizable donation before the
          held on August 10 , was a huge     fundraiser began.                 John Butchko and Jim Demoski.
          success. Thank you to everyone who   We are
          volunteered, helped plan and all   extremely thankful
          those who donated cans and bottles.   for the great
          We appreciate the time, effort and   turnout and look
          enthusiastic support of the Holy   forward to the
          Spirit Byzantine Catholic Church in   next Can & Bottle
          Binghamton, NY and the surrounding  Drive scheduled
          community.                         for October 26,
            The parish is especially thankful   2024.
          to Mary Ann Goida, Audrey Karl Kalb
          and Anne Marie Zevan, who went     Daria Shierly |
          above and beyond by taking time    Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                                               St. John the Baptist
                                                               Byzantine Catholic Church
                                                               PIttsBuRgH, PA

                                                               And They’re Off!!
                                                               St. John the Baptist Church in Pittsburgh’s historic South
                                            Fr. Andrew and Fr. Ty-
      Butch Bittner, John Niskach, Barb Hill and   ler enjoying the Night   Side held a Night at the Races on Saturday, September
                                                               7, 2024. The event took place at St. John Chrysostom
      Donna Siviy.                          at the Races.
                                                               Hall in Ruska Dolina. The races are always a fun time
                                                               and there was a fantastic turnout. Attendees enjoyed
                                                               plenty of delicious food, drinks, snacks and desserts. In
                                                               addition to the betting, multiple auction baskets included:
                                                               Penguin and Steeler tickets; a 50/50 Raffle and personal
                                                               donations helped make the event financially successful.
                                                                 Along with Fr. Tyler Wisniewski, the parish extends
                                                               thanks to everyone who attended, donated and helped
                                                               with food prep, set up and cleanup. Thank you to
                                                               everyone who worked the betting tables, sold the tickets,
                  Guests in attendance.                                       monitored admissions and worked the
                                                                              payout table.
                                                                                We are especially grateful to the
                                                                              parishioners of St. John Chrysostom for
                                                                              the use of their hall. This was a GCU
                                                                              Matching Funds event with proceeds
                                                                              going towards repairing the parish
                                                                              house roof.

           Phyllis Beck and Beverly Rebovich.                                 Beverly Rebovich | Byzantine Parish Coordinator

                                                                                     GCU MAGAZINE   OCTOBER 2024  19
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