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                                                                                      George N. Juba

           Celebrating the Season of Giving

                    hristmas is a season that wraps the world in  ing those less fortunate, we not only improve their circum-
                    a blanket of warmth, generosity, and togeth-  stances, but also enrich our own lives with a sense of pur-
                    erness. It’s a time of year that goes beyond  pose and empathy.
                    the glittering lights and festive décor, striking   Christmas is also a time to remember those who are sick
          Cat the core of what it means to be human.  or dealing with health issues. The season brings an op-
                    Christmas holds such profound importance in  portunity to extend our compassion and support to those
          the realms of giving, family, caring for the less fortunate,  who may be struggling. Acts of kindness, such as visiting
          faith and remembering those who are sick or dealing with  a friend in the hospital, helping with errands, or simply of-
          health issues.                                       fering a listening ear, can make a significant difference. It’s
            At the heart of Christmas lies the act of giving. This isn’t  about showing that they are not alone and that there is a
          just about the exchange of physical gifts but the sharing of  community that cares. By reaching out to those in need of
          time, love, and kindness. The joy derived from giving is often  comfort and healing, we embody the true spirit of Christ-
          greater than that of receiving. It’s in these acts—whether it’s  mas—love, empathy and human connection.
          a thoughtful present, a handwritten card, or a simple act of   Sickness and health issues are inherent within the hu-
          kindness—that we find true fulfillment. Giving fosters a sense  man race as we all have experienced such issues individ-
          of community, showing that we care about the well-being  ually, through family members, friends or acquaintances.
          and happiness of others. This selflessness is a beacon of  It is with deep concern that I inform you of such instance
          hope in a world that often feels too focused on individualism.  currently affecting a childhood friend of mine. Greg Vladi-
            Christmas is also a time for family. Amid the hustle and  ka, a devote Byzantine Catholic, loving husband, father,
          bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of the importance  grandfather who has served the GCU as a Board Mem-
          of family connections. The holiday season offers a pre-  ber since 1994 has been diagnosed with a life-threatening
          cious opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, share tra-  liver disease. I often state that “Hope is never a strategy
          ditions, and create new memories. Whether it’s decorating  unless you have a plan in support of such Hope.” Greg
          the Christmas tree, baking cookies, or simply sitting to-  has such a plan that does offer “Hope” as I invite you to
          gether around the dinner table, these moments strength-  read his heart felt request located on the next page and
          en bonds and remind us of the support and love that fami-  consider being a part of his plan. Please pray for Greg and
          ly provides. In an ever-changing world, these connections  his family with a “Hope” that our prayers will be answered!
          ground us and offer a sense of belonging and security.  For many, the religious aspect of Christmas is para-
            The spirit of Christmas ex-                                                 mount. Christmas celebrates
          tends beyond our immediate                                                    the birth of Jesus Christ, a
          circle to those less fortunate.                                               moment of immense sig-
          This  season  reminds us to                                                   nificance in Christian faith.
          open our hearts and lend a                                                    It is a time to reflect on the
          hand to those in need. Acts                                                   teachings  of Christ—love,
          of charity, such as donating                                                  compassion and humility.
          to food banks, volunteering                                                   The  nativity  story,  with  its
          at shelters, or simply reach-                                                 themes of hope and salva-
          ing out to someone who                                                        tion, resonates deeply with
          might be lonely, embody                                                       all Christians.  Attending
          the true essence of the hol-                                                  church services, singing car-
          iday. It’s a time to reflect on                                               ols, and reading the story of
          our blessings and recognize                                                   Jesus’ birth are ways that
          the impact we can have on
          the  lives of others. By help-                                                              CONTINUED

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