Page 4 - DecemberMag2024.12.11.24
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families and communities come together to honor this sa- A Request for Help
cred event. The season is a reminder of the spiritual light
that Christ brings into the world, inspiring acts of kindness At 60, I thought my life would be
and faith. carefree and filled with no worries
Christmas, at its core, is about giving, family, extending only excitement. Unfortunately, my
kindness to the less fortunate, celebrating faith, and re- journey with fatty liver disease has
membering the sick and those dealing with health issues. progressed to decompensated cir-
It’s a time to pause and reflect on the values that truly mat- rhosis of the liver, a diagnosis deliv-
ter, to celebrate the joy of selflessness, and to nurture the ered in May 2024. Despite weight
relationships that sustain us. As we dive into this festive loss and medical intervention, my Gregory N. Vladika
season, let us embrace the spirit of Christmas in all its fac- liver is failing. National Director
ets and spread love, joy and compassion to all. My wife and I are facing a heartbreaking race against
The various acts noted above are a part of the principals time and a living liver, blood type A, offers my best hope
the GCU was founded upon that exemplify the GCU Mis- for a future – a future I desperately want to share with
sion Statement of “Protecting Families, Promoting Faith my precious one-year-old grandson, whom I look for-
and Fellowship, Strengthening Communities”! Our Con- ward to guiding in the Catholic faith and watching him
stellations and Byzantine Catholic Parishes practice such grow into a fine man. Will you please help make my
acts of kindness not only at Christmas, but throughout the future bright again? Learn how you could be a living
year. We invite you to review the various charitable works donor by visiting //
and acts of kindness presented in the Matching Funds to start the screening process.
and Fraternal sections of the Magazine. Thank you and God bless you for your kindness and
The GCU is only as strong fraternally as we are finan- consideration.
cially allowing for the financial support of the various pro- Greg Vladika
grams funded. Despite the challenges associated with the
current easing high-interest rate markets, GCU is perform-
ing well, continuing to increase assets and total adjusted
capital while generating a modest net profit. The GCU’s
2024 third quarter financial results and detailed commen-
tary are presented on page 4 by our Chief Financial Offi-
cer Tim Demetres.
My congratulations and thank you to our Board of Di-
rectors, Executive Officers, Department Directors and our
entire Support Staff that have allowed GCU to experience
another challenging but successful year! May the Birth of
Our Lord and Savior and the joy of this holiday season
provide you and your family Hope, Faith, Peace, Love and
Good Tidings during this Christmas Season! My best wish-
es for a safe and Happy Holiday Season and all the best
for a healthy and prosperous New Year!