Page 35 - Osprey Binder
P. 35

Executive Summary

               The  purpose  of  this  document  is  to  communicate  key  safety  information  to  the
               Promoters  (IDEA  Marketing),  Union  Internationale  Motonautique  (UIM)  and  to  the
               Event Host Authority for the F1H2O race events. This Safety Case Report must be
               read in conjunction with its partner document, Osprey Powerboat Rescue Team Ltd.
               "Drop  Front  Boat"  Design  and  Functional Safety  Case  Report  (Document  Number
               HMS/01/150515/Issue 2 dated 19th April 2016) (Ref 1).

               This  document  puts  forward  the  planned  methodology  the  Osprey  Powerboat
               Rescue Team Ltd. employs in order to carry out the duties delegated to it by the race
               authorities.  This  document  also  details  the  necessary  actions  to  be  taken  from
               arriving at the event site through launching their rescue boats, the actions that are
               taken when on the water, whether during practice or during the events themselves,
               up to the point of recovering the boats from the water at the end of the event.

               This  document  also  details  the  necessary  training  and  qualifications  for  each
               member of the Ospreys that provides the evidence that each member is a Suitably
               Qualified and Experienced Person (SQEP) for their roles in the team

               In order to provide sufficient information to the Event Host Authority an inventory of
               Rescue Equipment, Personal Protection Equipment (for rescue personnel), SCUBA
               Diving Equipment, Boat Equipment and Medical Equipment is presented at Annex 3.

               These  rescue  boats  travel  the  world  to  venues  where  high  speed  Formula  1  and
               Formula 4 races and other formulae of races are held.  In the United Kingdom they
               attend  numerous  Club,  National  and  International  events  of  different  classes  from
               Juniors  up  to  Formula  2  races.  They  have  a  crew  of  four  personnel  who  are
               experienced  in  powerboat  racing  rescue  services.  Each  boat  has  a  Helmsman,
               Radio/Flag/First Aid man and two divers for underwater rescue when necessary.

               The sister document to this, as stated above, and this document are amongst a suite
               of  documents  that  together  provide  the  evidence  and  the  audit  trail  to  compile  a
               Safety Case for the Boats, Training, Experience, Equipments and Modus Operandi
               of the Osprey Powerboat Rescue Team Ltd. that demonstrates that the actions and
               services provided by the team is Fit For Purpose and is Acceptably Safe.

               HMS/02/050615/Issue 2                                                               Page 2
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