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Ruth C. White, PhD
I N S P I R A T I O N | M O T I V A T I O N | T R A N S F O R M A T I O N
M A K I N G T H E W O R L D H E A LT H I E R + H A P P I E R
Available for: Ruth is on a mission to make the world a healthier and happier place.
With an engaging style, relevant content, and a dash of humor, she edu-
Keynotes, Lectures, Panel Discussions,
cates, inspires and motivates audiences to transform their organizations
Workshops, Seminars & Consultations.
and their lives.
Dr. White leads difficult conversations on diversity, equity and inclusion that
Featured Topics* change the way people and organizations think and behave. And inspired by
her own journey of illness, recovery and resilience with bipolar disorder,
she is also a mental health activist fighting against stigma and promoting
mental health and well-being. She is the author of The Stress Manage-
Building emotional resilience ment Workbook, Preventing Bipolar Relapse, and lead author of Bipolar
101 (with John Preston).
Beating burnout/compassion fatigue With more than 20 years experience of speaking to thousands of people
in trade organizations, corporations, governments, non-profits, commu-
nities and classrooms across the globe, Dr. White has built a reputation
Managing for mental wellness for thought-provoking keynotes, lectures, presentations and workshops
that lead to paradigm shifts, organizational change and personal growth.
Stress management Dr. White is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Suzanne Dworak-Peck
School of Social Work at the University of Southern California. For the last
20 years she has educated undergraduate and graduate students at San
Destigmatizing mental illness Francisco State University, McGill University, UC Berkeley and Seattle
University, where she earned tenure. Working with organizations and
communities in the UK, Canada, USA, Belize, Uganda and Jamaica, she
Diversity & Inclusion has 25+ years of experience in developing, implementing, managing and
evaluating programs in health, mental health, social welfare, and diversi-
ty/ inclusion.
Dr. White's expertise on diversity and mental health has been sought by media
*Customized For Your Audience
including: The Today Show, BBC, Seattle Times, Women's Health, and Marie
Ruth C. White, PhD, MPH, MSW | | | 206 .371 .7099