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M A K I N G   T H E   W O R L D   H E A LT H I E R   +   H A P P I E R

          Dr. White is a member of the editorial board of the American Journal   Her collaborative partners include:
          of Public Health and has served as reviewer for many leading journals

          and organizations.  She has served as expert witness for Columbia,
          NYU and Yale law schools, and for major law firms and human rights   •  JPMorgan Chase
          organizations on issues related to gay rights and HIV/AIDS stigma.
                                                                              •  Los Angeles Department of  Mental
          Ruth received her PhD (social welfare) and MPH (global health, ma-      Health
          ternal and child health) from the University of California, Berkeley;
                                                                              •  Yale, Columbia and NYU Law Schools
          MSW and BSW from McGill University; and Bachelor of Social Science
                                                                              •  Uganda Ministry of Health
          in Sociology from l’Université d’Ottawa (Canada). She has also stud-
          ied economics, finance and human resources management at the        •  UC Berkeley
          London School of Economics and Seattle University.
                                                                              •  Belize Red Cross
                                                                              •  National Alliance on Mental Illness

                                                                              •  Gainsight

         “Ruth’s engaging presentation style combined with her expertise on building resilience in the workplace made her workshop endless
         fun and left us with concrete strategies to reduce stress and increase our ability to be effective advocates.” Mara Ziegler, LCSW,
         Public Counsel
         “Ruth White’s presentation on cultural awareness brought new insight and opened doors.”  Catherine Leslie, Engineers Without
         Borders – USA.

         “Dr. White’s talk about the stigma of mental illness was engaging, practical and thought-provoking”. Jeffrey L. Edleson, Dean,
         School of Social Welfare, UC Berkeley
         “Several months later the students continue to refer to Dr. White’s talk as a‘transformative experience’…” -Katia Mitova, Chicago
         School of Professional Psychology

         “She not only has passion for her desire and effect on social change, but is a dedicated force multiplier in inspiring others to think
         BIG and incite change” -Beverly Nelson, Senior Consulting Professional

         "Dr. White has a unique ability to blend stoic research and statistics with fluid, vulnerable personal testimony." Kelsea Haught CDP,
         National Diversity Council

              @ruthcwhitephd                             Ruth C. White                           @ruthcwhite

                     Ruth C. White, PhD, MPH, MSW | | | 206 .371 .7099
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