Page 33 - Phil Bacharach program digital book
P. 33

2023-24 USHERS

        We are grateful to the very special friends who donate their time and
        dedication to the Phil. The organization is stronger because of them and
        through their commitment, the music plays on.  If you are interested
        in becoming an usher please email for more

             Stephen Aziz                           Ronnie Lazarus
             Kathy Blythe                           Marybeth Lynch
             Valerie Bodie Pflock                   Andrianne Maniatis
             Connie Bruce                           Nancy Miller
             Elaine Chang                           Frank Morency
             Wendela Yeo Correia                    Philip Morgan
             Carol Darcy                            Barbara Moser
             Pegi Davis                             Linda Moskoff
             Dick Domenico                          Laura O’Neill
             Chelsea Dozier                         Frederick Paris
             Deborah Ensminger                      Dottie Pauk
             Walt Ensminger                         Helga Pettograsso
             Doreen Fagerberg                       Mike Pettograsso
             Phil Ferraguto*                        Jane Plumley
             Sharon Ferraguto*                      Margot Rainey
             Bob Francis                            Nelia Rodelle
             Maureen Francis                        Susan Saltonstall
             Judith Freeman                         Mary Schwartz
             Jim Gage                               Jim Smith
             Joan Gage                              Janice Spence
             Mary Gallagher                         Caryn Stankewich
             Jill Gogan                             Lynn Stockwell
             Alan Gogan-Tilstone                    Ken Stone
             Lorraine Gregory                       Linda Stone
             Valerie Gresh                          Carol Sullivan-Hanley
             Alfreda Halverson                      Cynthia Sweetser
             Elaine Henderson                       Karen Tollins
             Martha Himes                           Martin Tollins
             Rhonda Hinchey                         Joni Troyanos
             Tony Hirsch                            Ann Wells
             Claudia Hopewell                       Pam White
             Barbara Kelley                         Tim Wood
             Karen Kuskin-Smith
             Eileen Lawton                          *Head ushers

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