Page 33 - Phil 23-24 holiday pops digital program
P. 33

Spotlight on...
                                        Erin LaFleur, Box Office Manager

                            It takes many tal-  Conservatory at Berklee, where she spent
                            ented people to  four wonderful years working with the
                            run the Plymouth  incredibly talented students and faculty.
                            Philharmonic Or-  In the fall of 2021, Erin applied for the Box
                            chestra. Celebrat-  Office Manager position with  the Phil.
                            ing 108 seasons of   Unbeknownst to her, she submitted her
                            success is a tes-  resume within an hour of the job posting.
        tament to the unwavering commitment   As they say, the rest is history!
        and expertise of each member of our Phil
        family.                               Now firmly rooted in her role at the Phil,
                                              Erin finds joy in problem-solving and
        If  you’ve  purchased  tickets  to  the Phil,   thinking  on  her  feet.  She  is  grace  under
        chances are you’ve interacted with our   fire in the excitement and chaos of show
        Box Office Manager, Erin LaFleur, who   days. “I really enjoy helping our patrons,”
        handles all things ticketing. For the launch   said Erin. “Seeing the joy on their faces
        of  a new season, she  prepares all  the   or hearing it in their voices and knowing
        subscriber materials and builds the shows   that I’m a small part of that is a wonderful
        in  our  ticketing  system.  As  subscription   feeling.”
        renewals and preorders stream in, she
        manages the phone lines, filling orders   Beyond the box office, Erin loves reading
        and  answering  questions.  Before  tickets   and is a big supporter of  her local
        go on sale online, Erin reserves the seats   library. She will happily accept book
        for our subscribers and preorders for each   recommendations if you wish to email
        show.                                 her! Erin also enjoys
                                              spending time with
        During the season, Erin is likely the   her family, going to the
        person you speak to on the phone for ticket   lake in the summer, and
        orders, exchanges, or general questions.   having quiet nights at
        She is behind the box office desk at all our   home with her husband,
        shows, selling tickets, reprinting orders,   Andrew, and their two
        and assisting with issues or concerns.
                                              cats, Bea and Milton.
        Erin’s journey to this pivotal role started
        during college at Emerson, where she
        majored in Visual  and  Media  Arts  with
        a minor in Political Science. While at
        Emerson, she applied for a job with the
        Boch Center. Despite being told she
        wasn’t qualified for the initial position, the
        Boch Center welcomed her as seasonal   Erin’s commitment to the community
        office staff. Little did she know that this   extends beyond the concert hall. She and
        humble beginning would pave the way   her family formed a team to fundraise
        for a decade-long association with the   for Walk MS, an event organized by the
        Boch Center, where she took on various   National MS Society to support those
        roles in ticketing, operations, and event   with multiple sclerosis.
                                              In the intersection of arts, administration,
        After leaving the Boch Center, Erin   and community, Erin has already made an
        was the Ticket Operations and Patron   indelible mark on the Phil and its patrons.
        Services Manager for the Boston

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