Page 14 - Phil Great Collaborations March 2024 digital program book
P. 14


        For the final symphonic program of, this, my 30th season with the Plymouth
        Philharmonic Orchestra, we felt it important to include concert elements truly
        meaningful to us.

        • We showcase our commitment to educating our youth by sharing the stage tonight
          with the talented members of the South Shore Conservatory Youth Orchestra.
        • We present new music we co-commissioned, exemplifying our commitment to
          perpetuating our art through creating music that is relevant to our own time.
        • Because I would be nothing if it weren’t for the splendid artist-musicians who make
          up our orchestra, we highlight their magnificent abilities by performing a true
          symphonic tour-de-force — Ravel’s orchestration of Mussorgsky’s epic Pictures at
          an Exhibition.
        • And, as a way to come full circle, this special evening includes Ralph Vaughan
          Williams’ Five Variants of ‘Dives and Lazarus’, stunningly gorgeous music we
          last performed together in 1994 — on my very first concert as music director of our
          cherished orchestra.

        As we approach the close of our 30th season together, please accept my sincere gratitude
        for continuing on this musical journey with me.  If the demonstrated artistic trajectory
        of our great orchestra is any indication, the best is yet to come!
              -- Steven Karidoyanes

        Wampanoag: Stories for All Time

        In 2018 the Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra partnered with the Cape Cod
        Symphony to commission two new works in observance of the Plymouth
        400th commemoration in 2020: Mayflower by Alex Berko and Wampanoag:
        Stories for All Time by Tonya Wind Singer.
        That concert was initially scheduled for performance in November 2020 – but
        the pandemic lockdown cancelled that performance.  We felt this music was
        too important to not present, so we rescheduled it for January 2022. Then, as
        you may recall, Mother Nature threw a blizzard at us on our concert weekend
        and that performance was cancelled, too.
        In August 2022 we were able to perform Alex Berko’s Mayflower. We are so
        grateful to finally perform for you Wampanoag: Stories for All Time by Tonya
        Wind Singer.
        Wampanoag: Stories for All Time is a symphonic tone poem which honors the
        indigenous people who thrived here for centuries before the arrival of the

        12    Plymouth Philharmonic Or c hestr a
        12  Plymouth Philharmonic Orchestra
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